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I'm Feeling Lucky

Searching for: Posts from Melancholy.
Posted: Sun, 08/01/2017 04:38 (7 Years ago)
Whatever timing was, it was on their side. The moment the Forge placed his fingers to run gracefully across the white and black tiles, the teacher had pointed for them to go first. However, it was on cue with the piano that Aclyma dropped her first note.

Her voice resonated beautifully with the sound of the piano as both sounds intertwined to emit a serene yet haunting atmosphere that she assumed the composer intended. She played like another instrument aside the piano. There were no words, just carefully crafted and dragged out 'aa's and 'oo's to match according the notes that Forge plays.

However, make no mistake. While it seems simple, no lyrics or any of the sorts, Aclyma's perfect pitch was made with complete focus into the current task at hand. She had to be remained undisturbed, or else either her tone would go off, or she forgets how the song went.

However, long as it remains smooth sailing, the room would have vibrated with a serene atmosphere, so much so that the light would seem to shine ever so slightly into the room and onto Forge and Aclyma to praise the music that they had created.

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Posted: Fri, 06/01/2017 13:35 (7 Years ago)
(Music class so far, teacher turns into dragon, student's job to put her to sleep.)

"It's okay." she muttered, settling the triangle down. Any other instrument would've been too complicated. "Just play the thing you play."

She stood by the piano and rested her abdoment against the black body of the piano, looking... like she was about to give up. She'll just have to sing, it seems. It's something that would be much easier to control and doesn't need as much knowledge. She'd have to change if her pitch was different, and due to some work she had to do before, Aclyma was confident in doing that much.

"In three..."


The female anticipated the sound of the piano.

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Posted: Thu, 05/01/2017 19:53 (7 Years ago)
Aclyma stared blankly at Forge and his suddenly beautiful full-smile.

Was this person kidding.

The girl slowly looked down at the triangle and frowned at him. She was displeased. Was he mocking her? Getting back at her from their previous encounter? Was it the fight?
Regardless, Aclyma regarded Forge highly, to be able to either subtly challenge her to do the near impossible.

Off timing, eyes pinned at the man, Aclyma picked up the metal stick that came with the triangle and... hit the metal triangle once.

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Posted: Thu, 05/01/2017 14:37 (7 Years ago)
Forge waved her over... much to her surprise.
What could she do to enhance his piece that he was playing with a triangle?! With that she prayed he wasn't hoping too much from her ability with the triangle since the reason why she picked it up was because of the simplicity of the instrument.

"I don't know this piece," the white haired female quietly admitted in a whisper, "But i should be able to mimick it if you play it once fully."

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Posted: Thu, 05/01/2017 13:58 (7 Years ago)
Aclyma almost got up to join Forge, only to catch him playing beautifully on the piano. Needless to say, Aclyma stopped her train of thoughts and resumed her position in her chair. Her chin now on the edge of the chair, her arms stretched themselves outwards as she waved the triangle restlessly. "Ding ding", she murmured to herself.

But serenading her teacher. Really.
Aclyma was as dumbfounded by the idea of the tasked as she was confused by instruments. And that was greater than the amazement for the teacher turning into a dragon. Perhaps the idea of breakfast held more weight than the amazement.

"I suppose the faster the teacher fell asleep, the faster we can leave..."
She shrugged light, her fingers twirling rthe triangle still.

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Posted: Thu, 05/01/2017 12:56 (7 Years ago)
'Pick an instrument.'

Aclyma looked around, paused slightly to look over at Forge, briefly curious. Someone seemed to immediately know what they wanted and picked a flute seemingly out of the blue. Another someone had his own instrument... which they plucked from their hat? Another strange one.

"...An instrument, eh..."
Should she be choosing something easy, or something similar to what she had experienced before. And by that, it'll probably be a piano, since you tap them similarly like one would tap a keyboard. However, the only thing preventing her from choosing such is the size of the instrument.

Which lead her eyes to stray over to a slender, silver instrument that sat almost too humbly within arm's reach. It's glistening body in a simple shape called out to her like a siren to the sailors.

Aclyma stretched her arm over to the side where the instruments were kept, not ever leaving her chair.

And she took a triangle.

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Posted: Thu, 05/01/2017 06:36 (7 Years ago)
Tak. Tak

Tak. Tak.

Aclyma rocked the chair back and forth as she sat with her chest pressing against the seat rest.
She made no reaction as people entered and the only significant change she did was crossing her hands over the edge of the chair and resting her chin after.

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Posted: Tue, 03/01/2017 12:56 (7 Years ago)
One could hear Aclyma snigger ever so quietly at Forge's comment, but said nothing.
As much as what Forge had said was true, the female had never ordered a drone strike, but she was sure as hell there was a few times she had to stop certain systems from allowing the machines to take off in the first place. But stuff like those were simply small successes.

As the music teacher entered, Aclyma gave a wry smile towards the teacher. While she knew that the music teacher did no wrong, her impression towards the school was on a negative side as of now. She watched the female/male teacher carefully, tilting her head to a side.

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Posted: Tue, 03/01/2017 11:46 (7 Years ago)
Aclyma stared blankly at Forge, almost dumbfounded.

While she respected this soldierfor his abilities and skill--
"It never occured to me that you'll be a warrior of the Old Age."

Balancing the chair on a leg, she swerve to face him as she swiftly removed the cylindrical object from her pocket. He would have recognized it as she'd use it the previous night for hacking into the terminal. "I managed to download the student body's profile, I don't know why you'd think they wouldn't have the blueprints in."

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Posted: Tue, 03/01/2017 10:50 (7 Years ago)
"But they don't me at that position." Aclyma spat, rocking the chair from it's front two legs to the back two legs. "Socializing is not a thing I do. It's not part of my job scope. It's not part of my interest."

She turned to frown irritably at him. "Not everyone is interesting and having to communicate-- and pretend to enjoy the presence of a less interesting thing." she threw her hand into the air and let her upper body dangle mid air. "Are you kidding meeeeee..."
Her dragged out 'e' ended with her complains as she remained still and silent.

"How are you planning to get the schematics if not by hacking?"

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Posted: Tue, 03/01/2017 10:08 (7 Years ago)
Aclyma muttered to herself, still fully annoyed to have her spar interrupted. How the adrenaline rush would not die, but similarly, the will to fight is gone.

All that was left pent up anger which the female had to hold in.

The bi colored eyes female had followed the man into the empty room, and while he admired the area, she roughly pulled up a chair, knocking over an instrument stand and sat herself down such that she was leaning her forebody onto the back rest.

"No one." She muttered angrily. "So. Rude. In my life."
Then again, the respect given to her came with her position that no one dared crossed.
"Disrespectful. Institute of combat."


"I'll set this place ablaze and no one would know what happened."

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Posted: Mon, 02/01/2017 12:02 (7 Years ago)
Seeing Forge's reaction, Aclyma remained silent as he did the... mannered... stuff. Not saying the female herself cannot do this, but to disrupt a fight like so was a pet's peeve.

She gave an annoyed 'tsk', glanced across the class behind the teacher, and took note of the two students whom she recognized from the video herself and Forge had watched before. "Frank Macewinder and Kioki Shigami, huh..." she muttered under her breath.

Aclyma closed her eyes, threw a glance the other way before walking after Forge.

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Posted: Mon, 02/01/2017 11:04 (7 Years ago)
The teacher got in between them just as Aclyma attempted disarming the man. A small squeak was the only proof that she had placed some efforts in stopping in her tracks as her bare feet forced her to a stop.

Bi colored eyes marrowed out of annoyance as she yhrew a defiant glare up to the teacher. If anyone saw her clearly, it was almost as if she was seeping out an uncontrollable bloodlust.

However, that lasted a total of a second or two before she stood, dusted her white shirt and atheletic shorts. "Teachers truly aren't soldiers." She muttered.
"What class are you having?"

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Posted: Mon, 02/01/2017 10:26 (7 Years ago)
She heard the door opened and a couple of footsteps-- no, more than just a couple. A class? Well, regardless, they're non hostile and the white haired female decided to pay no attention to them.
The teacher called to them after the man made a wide swing, but Aclyma remained crouched, still ready to pounce.

For whatever reason, Forge was so often distracted.

'We still have-'
Aclyma pushed her feet off the ground, sending herself catapulting towards the armed man, hand reaching quickly for his wrist, while fingers quickly sank themselves at the muscles that connected to the thumb, attempting to pry the sword out of his hands. Her other hands supported the disarm by slamming against the hand guard of the blade, pushing the blade the opposite direction such that the handle would slide out of his grip.

If that would have succeded, the female would kick the sword away from them both.

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Posted: Mon, 02/01/2017 10:02 (7 Years ago)
Ah. He had forsaken his sword?

Aclyma watched him patiently with a small smile plastered upon her lips. Her foot feeling about the blunt sword, as if waiting for something.
'As for the reason... would you describe me as extremely approachable?'

The man's eyes flickered.

The moment it did, it was as if a green sign to the female as she dropped her lower body, sweeped up the training blade and made a similar dash forward, once again closing the distance between them. However, just moments before she was in front of him, she swung the sword forward and sent it flying towards his face vertically.

She, on the other hand ducked immediately, and did a low sweeping kick. Of course, immediately, she prepared to launch towards the guy. "Extremely approachable, John."

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Posted: Mon, 02/01/2017 09:15 (7 Years ago)
Remember that free arm that Aclyma was setting aside for defensive measures?

The white haired female saw the leg coming and rose her hand to protect the side of her face. His leg promptly landed on her arm- and if her arm wasn't there, she was sure she would be facing the vice grip on her neck.

"Is this a small reason you don't have a girlfriend?" Teased the girl as she felt the initial change of force. While she wasn't sure just what direction it was, she wasn't intending to get caught in the flow. With some strength, the woman pushed slightly against the man's leg, created a small gap and slipped her head out from the trap before taking back both hands and allowing the man's legs to snap against each other from the force.

As the man did his roll, she took a step around him, and tip toed onto the training sword which would probably be on the floor. She was ready to move any time. "Soldiers are scary as usual, huh..."

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Posted: Sun, 01/01/2017 16:57 (7 Years ago)
His other foot connected against her stomach just as the man planned. While the impact shook her balance slightly, the female didn't release the man's leg.
In fact, she simply held it tighter and prevented him from distancing.

"All is fair in love and war, huh."

Whether he jumped and landed on his knee, or fell completely onto the floor, Aclyma would have done the same. She rose his leg over her head, ducked swiftly under and restedhis leg on her shoulder. With a hand still holding his foot, she took a step out to his side, and sent a bare foot slamming into his flank. While she was tempted to do a similar roundhouse kick to his face, Aclyma held back and opted for a chance to defend with her other limbs.

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Posted: Sun, 01/01/2017 14:39 (7 Years ago)
Ah, the retaliation.
Just as expected.

The man and moved backwards and she noticed his weight shift as a leg began to raise itself for the kick.
Instead of avoiding the simple kick, the female embraced herself, gained a more stable footing and rose her arms to protect the side of her face and his shin connrcted her her arm.

Soldiers are scary.

As soon as the impact landed, the female grabbed his leg and with a swift motion, pulled him forward with the intention for him to lose balance and fall forward. If the man does, she would have released his leg and send her elbow to make contact with his neck while her free hand readied to check his sword hand if it moved.

Needless to say, her movements were once again controlled, sending gentle landing if it connected.

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Posted: Sun, 01/01/2017 13:47 (7 Years ago)
Aclyma smiled and followed the man's lead, entering the room without hesistation.
She was glad that the man was wise enough to not ask any more that he already had and opted to proceed with today's activities. Not that it was all that much with music being their only module for the day.

She watched him pick up a sword, tested it for it's sharpness. 'Let's not waste time, we have music soon'

"Well," she shrugged. "Ok."

The distance between him and herself were closed immediately within a few seconds when he had turned around. Aclyma decided to make her move first (by his request of course). Her first move was simple. At an arm's length away, the white hair woman sent a direct punch towards his chest. However, with her expecting a retaliation, her moves were completely controlled in terms of strength and movement, expecting to change direction at any moment.
However, if it does connect, she would only send a punch just strong enough to throw the man just slightly off balance.

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Posted: Sun, 01/01/2017 13:07 (7 Years ago)
She listened to Forge for a bit and sighed softly, crossing her arms as she burrowed her brows."You know," she started, her voice annoyed. "It could have been simply because I didn't like the tone you raised at me, or the fact you've accused me of lying."ĺ

She paused a bit and allowed the words to settle down in the man's ears.
However, not long after she continued, "But yes, I lied."

"I make it brief, just as you did." She stepped in closer and muttered. "I worked for my father. Mission failed. My powers broke."

She leaned back out, hands outstretched. "Ta-da."

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