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I'm Feeling Lucky

Searching for: Posts from LadyMav.
Posted: Tue, 30/06/2020 17:59 (4 Years ago)
I enjoy games like Fallout, The Last of Us, Ar Tonelico, The God of War, Persona, Atelier etc.

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Posted: Tue, 30/06/2020 17:51 (4 Years ago)
I am a cat person through and through. Not only am I allergic to dogs, but any dogs I've ever encountered *even those they love everyone and are not mean dogs* has always been hostile towards me. do i intrude on their territory? no. Do i get hostile with them and try to attack them? no. i respect them and give them their space and they think I'm food. I will never be a dog person and I'm fine with that. you love dogs and think they are the greatest? cool mate, just don't force you options on me is all i ask. :)

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Posted: Tue, 30/06/2020 17:46 (4 Years ago)
My first Pokemon game i ever owned was Pokemon Yellow. However this was not as long ago as some of you might think. See I never had any of the new systems when I was growing up so it was about 8 years ago when I finally bought my first Pokemon game. At the time the only handheld I had was my old school gray brick GameBoy. I just so happened to be at the mall with a friend just walking around and saw a retro game store. went in and I saw the game and made my purchase.

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Posted: Tue, 30/06/2020 17:39 (4 Years ago)
The Last game I played was Left Behind. It's a really sweet but short game that takes place near the end of The Last of Us, where you play as Ellie and as you complete your main mission you have flashbacks to your time with Riley.

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