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Posted: Wed, 20/04/2016 03:47 (8 Years ago)
Username: Lady-Shimizu

Art: Here it is on dA~

Password: I'd probably have to go with . . . Dialga. A friend let me borrow the Pokemon needed to get Dialga in one of the games, so I got to travel around with Dialga and train them~

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Posted: Mon, 21/03/2016 04:05 (8 Years ago)
Ѧκεϻɪ Ӈɪɢɑϛʜɪ
Changing lifestyle is not that easy. In the middle of the conversation, wait, you're leaving already?

Akemi watched the scene above deck with amusement just under the surface. A Siren wanting to join a pirate ship because he didn't like the sea . . . It was interesting, to say the least. But there was no reason for her to linger. She was only the chef. Though she wouldn't deny her sharp-shooting proficiency. Pushing herself away from the cabin she had been leaning against, she made her way to the kitchen, yawning as she went. She hadn't gotten much sleep the night previous, a nightmare plaguing her subconscious. Raking a pale hand through her--mostly--blonde hair, she ruffled it with a sigh. The earring she had that was connected to her lip ring clinked softly as she walked. Soon enough, she arrived in her 'work space'. What should she cook today . . . ? Pondering that question, she tied her black and red apron on and rinsed her hands. Collecting water and ingredients for the kitchen was one of the tasks she performed as chef. Deciding on simple meat and potatoes, Akemi went to work. With the size of the ship, and the apparent new crew member, cooking was a big responsibility. It also took quite a long time. Sometimes, while her vegetables were simmering, she had to keep herself busy by eating a sucker or fussing with her earrings. It didn't really help. But it wasn't as if she had anyone to talk to. . . . Not that she wanted anyone to talk to . . .

(( I wasn't sure when this would be taking place, so I'm just assuming that there are suckers. ))

Hey, wait a second! You may come here tomorrow, too . . . I'll be waiting.

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Posted: Mon, 21/03/2016 01:28 (8 Years ago)
Ɏɑȼʜɪ Ҟɑϛʊϻɑ
Giving up saying, 'I'd rather', that's not an option.

Yachi was dreaming, and it was a good dream. In fact, it was one of the best dreams he'd had in a long while. So, of course, he was violently awoken for no apparent reason. Finding himself on the floor with a new bump on his head instead of bathing in a shower of gold coins--which didn't hurt for some odd reason--was quite disappointing. Sitting up and rubbing the back of his head he sighed. All good things must come to an end, he supposed. Standing up and brushing himself off, straightening his clothes and hat, he decided to check above deck. He could have sworn he heard a bit of a commotion going on. Making his way up top didn't take too long, and he soon found the Captain, two crew members, and a stranger gathered there. The Captain wasn't too happy, if the savage look on her face was anything to go by, and neither were the other two crew members. It seemed the stranger--who reeked of the sea--had caused tension. Yachi had to wonder what exactly the good-looking man had done. He wouldn't deny the attractiveness of the stranger, he wasn't ignorant of his own preferences, but he wouldn't allow him to mess with his Captain and crew either. "Gee, you try to catch a bit of shut eye and you miss everything." He said, announcing his presence. He approached the group and stood nearby his Captain, his hand resting on the handle of his sword, sheathed in a scabbard he kept on his waist, in case she needed back-up--not that he thought she would. His Captain always had the situation under control, which he admired. But if she did need help, his posture clearly stated that she would have it.

Let's go together, yeah? Come on, let's break 'alone'!

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Posted: Sat, 19/03/2016 05:22 (8 Years ago)

Name: Yachi Kasuma

Age: 25

Gender: Male

Ship: Night's Corsair

Position: Co-Captain

Appearance: Please refer to the picture above. Usually wears punkish sorts of clothes, usually purple or black or a combination of both. Usually elegant. Has black hair, but strangely looks purple in some lights.

Personality: Yachi is well-mannered and a glib speaker, but doesn't expect the same from others. No mater how or what you speak, as long as you respect his position he will show you the same respect. Like most pirates, he loves treasure, and will fight for it. He will also fight for anyone he feels loyalty for, such as Captain Winters. For his captain, he will sail anywhere, fight anyone, and give up--no, actually, he would never give up his treasure. Sorry Captain. But he expects the same loyalty from the crew he--somewhat--commands. Cross him and you will find yourself at the pointy end of his sword or--in the most cliche way possible--walking the plank! Overall, Yachi is a happy and joking sort of Co-Captain with a hearty greed for treasure and a strong loyalty to his captain.

Crush: None at the moment.

BF/GF: None at the moment, either open.

Theme: Moon-Viewing Recital

Other: Nothing, capt'n.

Questions/Concerns: None thus far.


Name: Akemi Higashi

Age: 23

Gender: Female

Ship: Night's Corsair

Position: Cook

Appearance: Like Yachi, Akemi often wears punkish sorts of clothes, though she usually sticks to black and red. She also wears spiked accessories. When she cooks, she wears a black and red apron over whatever else she's wearing, along with a specially-made black chef's hat. Her hair has a red streak, on the right side--her right--of her bangs.

Personality: Akemi is usually straight-faced, sneering perhaps or getting irritated on occasion, but still keeping a stoic expression most of the time. When she does smile, it's to seduce or make fun. Like this, she keeps most of her emotions bottled up inside to explode in private--where the food is not kept. She doesn't usually take her out on people, but if you irritate her expect a leer or perhaps a restriction on your diet. She is the chef, after all, and thus has the power to not feed you. So perhaps you should watch your tongue around her? If she is ever truly happy, it will not be easy to see. You will have to notice the smallest of changes to see that she enjoys where she is or who she is with. Right now, she likes only a few people on the ship. If you fully anger her, expect a bullet between your eyes. If ever in love, Akemi will be the type to deny it, admire from afar, and most likely never confess.

Crush: None at the moment.

BF/GF: None at the moment, either open.

Theme: Ah, It's a Wonderful Cat's Life

Other: Nothin' to say, Capt'n.

Questions/Concerns: None thus far.

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Posted: Sun, 13/03/2016 22:46 (8 Years ago)
Σʆʆɪɸт Σʠεɣɑɳε
Welcome back, my feelings. I love feeling the anxiety that makes me wish I was dead.

Elliot returned Valentin's smile with one of his own, his amethyst eyes glancing down to where the Mad Hatter's hat lie, no doubt having found its way there during one of Anistair's clumsier moments. Poor Dormouse, though, worrying so much and so often about what the Cheshire cat might be up to. Well, any of the Cheshire cats, really. Just as he was about to attempt a comforting motion of some kind, Anistair stepped in and promised to catch 'that bloody cat', hitting his head and finding his hat in the process. Well, the Great Hat Caper was solved pretty quickly, but the Mad Hatter was right. They should be keeping an eye out for that cat, both Anistair and Elliot, so Valentin would be safe. And, speak of the Devil, one of the Cheshire cats appeared seemingly out of nowhere, only a pair of floating green eyes and a stretched grin visible. Instinctively, Elliot stepped between the Dormouse and the Cheshire cat, not quite blocking Valentin but there to protect if needed. He didn't really like fighting, it was a sort of last resort for him, but he was adept at it and could fight someone if necessary. It seemed as if Anistair was doing his best to appear tougher than Scrounge, a good idea actually as it was something another cat would do to intimidate, but he seemed perhaps a little less confident in himself than Elliot was. Having known the Mad Hatter for a while, he was confident in his abilities. Despite being just as crazy--if not more so--as Elliot, Anistair had quite a bit of control over himself. Excluding, of course, the occasional slaughter of fallen humans. But, then again, even Elliot himself couldn't deny he did the same. Although, his were perhaps more . . . quiet than most. Still, if the Cheshire cat chose to try something against Valentin, then Elliot would back up Anistair if needed.

(( Sorry for not being present yesterday, got a bit busy. I made a bit of an assumption about Anistair, but he does seem in control, save the few bumps on the head. I will also be posting something for Sakiko, but I have something I gotta take care of first. ))

I sneer by myself, as I pray along the guidance. I wonder if it will rain tomorrow . . .

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Posted: Sat, 12/03/2016 06:14 (8 Years ago)
Σʆʆɪɸт Σʠεɣɑɳε
Welcome back, my feelings. I love feeling the anxiety that makes me wish I was dead.

Elliot was dwelling on the past. Probably not a good idea, with what it included. Sipping his tea in a delicate manner, despite being alone, and thinking. Simply thinking. It wasn't something he did very often, as some people might say, but he did do it. It was even more rare that he ponder the darker parts of his past, preferring to dismiss them, the parts with his taid . . . No, no, he wasn't going to think about him. Not anymore. As he abruptly stood, his makeshift chair was pushed backwards in the mud and his tea spilled as his cup fell to the forest floor. With only a momentary glance at the cup with disappointment--as if it had been the cups fault--he stalked through the woods, wondering absentmindedly where the Mad Hatter and the Dormouse were, but not actively looking for them. Though, usually, his subconscious would bring him to places he didn't quite mean to go. At least he stopped himself that one time he was lost in thought and had found himself near the Queen's gardens. He involuntarily shivered. The result, had he not turned back immediately upon realising where he was, would not have been pleasant. And once again, his minds wanderings had taken him somewhere without him realizing it. As he spotted Anistair's top hat and Valentin's purple hair, a smile danced on his lips. It was quite nice to see friends. If they were, indeed, friends . . . It was hard for Elliot to ever really shake his suspicions. Of anyone, really. Maybe someday . . . Someday, he could really trust someone. But that wasn't today. "Bwt, Anistair, hello." he called, in greeting, as he approached.

(( I do not know Welsh, but Elliot does. What I have done is look up a little on the internet and I will put what I know when I can. According to said internet, taid means grandfather. A little insight into Elliot's backstory, which may be revealed more as the RP progresses. Bwt, apparently, means little one, so I'm thinking Elliot uses it as an affectionate, and teasing, nickname for Valentin. Welp, that's it for me for tonight. Going offline. See ya guys tomorrow, I guess. ))

I sneer by myself, as I pray along the guidance. I wonder if it will rain tomorrow . . .

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Posted: Sat, 12/03/2016 05:24 (8 Years ago)
Ϩɑӄɪӄɸ Ҟʊϛʊʜɑяɑ
The tears I was shedding yesterday, the smile that'll escape tomorrow too--

Sakiko sneezed. Her poor nose couldn't quite help it, when confronted with so much dust. After sneezing once more, she cleared the dust away with a dainty and fair hand, daring to open her eyes once the air was clear. What she saw was . . . Well, perhaps not entirely surprising, but interesting all the same. A Genie. A real, live, Genie was standing--floating--right in front of her. If she hadn't been raised by the parents she had been, she would have been standing shock still with wide and curious eyes. Instead, she stood with her usual poise and a blank face, a mask she used to hide her emotions. Usually she used it for functions her parents held, for meetings with potential suitors, but then it was usually accompanied with the occasional plastic smile. Growing up in a home of influence had made her quite the actress. She didn't always like the deception, but it was often necessary. She expected, perhaps, for the genie to be a little annoyed, but the insults that came out of his mouth irked her. It was true, her outfits quite often had bows, but this one was her favorite. It wasn't the bows she liked, but the blue. The only sign of her irritation that broke through the mask was her eyebrow twitching. Despite her strong emotions, the seventeen--nearly eighteen--years of conditioning made it hard for them to really break through. Usually.

Sakiko decided not to comment on his insult on her outfit, not desiring for conflict, but instead turned her attention to his other words. Obvious? Well, if she had known that Genies residing in lamps was true, she certainly wouldn't have rubbed the lamp. But, generally, it wasn't true. So, she must be dreaming, right? Yes, because Genies coming out of lamps wasn't possible. It just wasn't. All of her private tutors--forced on her by her parents, though she did love learning--had told her that all of those 'fantasy' books and movies were just that: fantasy. That she shouldn't believe in magic and wishes and dreams coming true. That the real world was much harsher. Colder. And that she had to be cold as well just to survive. But . . . If this was a dream, why did everything feel so real? From the temperature of the air to the dust that had caused her sneeze to the grass she had woken upon, every thing seemed so utterly real. It couldn't be a dream. She hadn't ever dreamed this vividly. Ah, yes, right, the Genie was still talking. Wishes? Wishes . . . If she was to go off of the usual Genie lore, she was not to trust that a wish would end up as she wanted. She was to trust that a Genie would twist her words to suit his own needs. But this Genie didn't seem to want her to wish. Maybe he hadn't even wanted out of the bottle. Instead of a wish, what came out of her mouth was a question. She didn't bother to hide the curiosity in her eyes and voice. "Did you not want out of the lamp, sir?" she asked, the sir an automatic and ingrained thing she added.

(( OOC: I'm sorry. I started typing, and it just . . . became two paragraphs. ))

Each and every one is one of my important and glittering Twinkle Days.

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Posted: Sat, 12/03/2016 04:21 (8 Years ago)
Ϩɑӄɪӄɸ Ҟʊϛʊʜɑяɑ
The tears I was shedding yesterday, the smile that'll escape tomorrow too--

Sakiko's head was absolutely aching. That was her first thought as she woke up. As she looked around, she tried to discern where she was, but her surroundings were unfamiliar. However did she get here? The last thing she remembered was . . . Ah, that's right! A flash of white fur! Rabbit ears! And, completely contrary to her usual ladylike grace, she had chased that scoundrel across her family's blooming garden. And then . . . Then? What had happened then? She couldn't quite remember . . . But she must have passed out at some point, and somehow ended up here. Where was here, anyhow? She had no clue. Well, it was no use simply lying down in the . . . grass? Well, grass did make sense for being in the garden. Perhaps she had wandered too far? To a spot she hadn't explored before? Who knew? Certainly not her. She carefully stood up, balancing with practiced ease in her blue heels, and brushed off the back of her dress. It would not do to walk around with dirt or grass stains on one of her favorite dresses, now would it? She looked around once again, paying more attention to detail this time, and spotted something glittering in the light--light from what, she didn't know--with a metallic sheen. Hmm . . . What could it be? Curiosity driving her, Sakiko picked up the object--a lamp much like the ones from Arabic Tales such as Aladdin--and examined it closer. It was quite pretty, but seemed a little under-polished. Pulling out a handkerchief, she rubbed the lamp, determined to make it shine.

(( OOC: I assumed that rubbing the lamp would pull Eudjinne out of his lamp. Also, I quite like the name. Did you know you put djin, which is another name for a genie [ well, sort of ], in his name? Quite clever, if you did. ))

Each and every one is one of my important and glittering Twinkle Days.

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Posted: Sat, 12/03/2016 01:18 (8 Years ago)
Name: Sakiko "Saki" Kusuhara

Age: Seventeen, just shy of Eighteen

Gender: Female

Species: Human, with Magical ancestry

Appearance: Please refer to the picture above.

Personality: Sakiko, known as Saki to friends and family, was raised to be a 'lady'. As such, her manners are pristine, her appearance perfect, and her gait graceful. But don't let her ladylike countenance fool you, she can be quite wild. When she's not adhering to the wills of her parents, when she really lets go, you'd be surprised by what you see. Or what you hear. Her emotions are strong, and their effects on her quite apparent. When she gets angry, it's a quiet sort of fury sometimes accompanied by magical outbursts. When she gets depressed, everything about her wilts, and it takes a lot to perk her back up again. When she is happy, she shines like the sun and the moon. She doesn't trust very easily, her parents having shown her just how greedy people can be, but is very loyal to someone she does trust. If she falls in love with someone, she will do anything for them. With the money and power she has outside Wonderland, she can make it happen.

Crush: None at the moment.

BF/GF: None at the moment, Boyfriend open.

Other: Knows several spells, but has mastered few. Theme Songs below.

Regular Theme

Romantic Theme

Battle Theme

Depressed Theme

Questions/Concerns: Thank you for the approval of Elliot! If there are enough fallen people, do you think they might band together to stay 'sane' and/or 'escape' Wonderland?

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Posted: Fri, 11/03/2016 05:49 (8 Years ago)
Name: Elliot "March Hare" Edevane

Age: Twenty

Gender: Male

Species: Hare

Appearance: Please see image to the left.

Personality: Elliot is utterly insane. He can say one thing, yet mean another. If he falls in love with someone, he is obsessed with them, completely obsessed. And though he may seem like your friend, he’s willing to throw anyone under the bus to get what or who he wants, unless the object of his affections clearly forbids him, at that time, his loyalty to them overrides his desire. But at any other moment, his desire for them will take priority over everything, even his friendships. And although he will fight with people, he doesn’t enjoy starting the fight, only ending it. If talking doesn’t work, he has his trusty sword to fight with, or perhaps his knife. Though if you do annoy him, well, don’t have any tea parties with him. Elliot is the type who watches from the shadows, not making his move until the time is right, or an important person is in immediate danger. Until then, he keeps himself hidden, and with his skill, only the Cheshire cat can keep an eye on him. He may annoy people from time to time with his blabbering, but there are also times when his silence can be terrifying. Other times the quiet may simply mean he’s lost in thought, though it’s always good to keep people on their feet, in his mind. Because of a history which he keeps hidden, he's wary of kindness and suspects people rather than trusts them.

Crush: None at the moment.

BF/GF: None at the moment, but either is open.

Other: Theme Songs just below. Also, Elliot is Welsh, thus he has a Welsh accent. His last name shows it.

Regular Theme

Romantic Theme

Battle Theme

Depressed Theme

Questions/Concerns: No questions . . . but, um, please keep in mind that this is my first time RPing on PokeHeroes. I have RPd on Gaia Online, but never on this site. Please forgive me if I mess up, especially with formatting. Also, I may make another character depending on whether inspiration strikes or not. And, uh, if Elliot is approved.

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Posted: Thu, 19/11/2015 05:16 (8 Years ago)
Hello random strangers . . .

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