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I'm Feeling Lucky

Searching for: Posts from ExpressoPuncake.
Posted: Thu, 02/12/2021 14:54 (3 Years ago)
Hiiiiii lol unfortunately this clan is pretty much dead, I'm not active either I just logged in and saw your msg by chance

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Posted: Mon, 02/11/2020 07:12 (4 Years ago)
Same,, unfortunately I highly doubt we will, even if new members join, it won't be the same

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Posted: Sun, 30/08/2020 17:27 (4 Years ago)
Magic man do your magic (man)

> Payment: 500k, 100 nuggets
> Other: Yes

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Posted: Wed, 26/08/2020 17:39 (4 Years ago)
Magic man do your magic (man)

> Ref: Gay ass twimk
> Payment: 1 taka (300k PD)
> Other: This is a great entrepreneurship opportunity even though I have no idea whatever the hell the word means, also you're free to experiment!! :0

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Posted: Sat, 07/03/2020 08:05 (4 Years ago)
Entry 1: (x)
Entry 2: (x)

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Posted: Mon, 02/03/2020 09:20 (4 Years ago)
Glimmer and gloom at hard more is even better! There's a guide for it and once you get a hang of it, it'll take like 30 minutes or less depending on you

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Posted: Sun, 01/03/2020 14:11 (4 Years ago)
@Crisis, Woah, lucky!
@Wolfgirl, give her something around 10-15kt not sure about g tho

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Posted: Sat, 29/02/2020 13:25 (4 Years ago)
Alrighty, just got this banescale with cherub and seraph gene and I want to make him the mate of a bane with tear and ragged genes,

But I'm not a huge fan of the cherub and seraph one, so i'm considering changing his genes to tear and ragged too, should I do that?

Also got two adorable coatl babies, and one is an XYY, selling for 20kt/20g

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Posted: Thu, 27/02/2020 14:23 (4 Years ago)
Thank you!

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Posted: Thu, 27/02/2020 13:38 (4 Years ago)
Hey, I've got this project for this girl, atm she's like this

And I need to give her the facet/glimmer/both genes to make her look like this

But since I haven't got enough gems I'm selling the follow stuff from PH in exchange of gems
1. Ultra Saddle
2. Nuggets (Qnt: 880)
3. Dragon gems (Qnt: 20)
More to be added
Also willing to do shiny hunts for gems
I know it's not a lot but if you're willing to trade let me know

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Posted: Mon, 24/02/2020 15:32 (4 Years ago)
@Toxel, wow, that's an amazing one
Also selling these for 5k only, please take them or i'll have to exalt these grown up babs

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Posted: Tue, 18/02/2020 13:03 (5 Years ago)
@Greg, She is looking dam beautiful, you in no way did her dirty

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Posted: Tue, 11/02/2020 16:34 (5 Years ago)
Ooooh preety babies!

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Posted: Sun, 09/02/2020 15:07 (5 Years ago)
@Crisis, thanks!
@Wolfie, awwwe that's a cute one

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Posted: Sun, 09/02/2020 07:48 (5 Years ago)
oooh nice, rn i'm just trying to get some money to see what i can do with my dragons, will probably buy some genes and apparel, esp for my progens and also my noct

Btw any familiar suggestion for my bane? I'm probably gonna give her some lore

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Posted: Sun, 09/02/2020 03:10 (5 Years ago)
@Crisisthat's a very cool looking boy
@Red_Riot, I'd love to buy one but i am all out of space,
@wolfgirl, damn i wish i had that determination
Also got this girl from gift a pretty

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Posted: Sat, 08/02/2020 16:10 (5 Years ago)
I noticed that most of us are on the same page here xD

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Posted: Sat, 08/02/2020 11:04 (5 Years ago)
Do you want her? She's only 10kt

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Posted: Sat, 08/02/2020 09:33 (5 Years ago)
Just had lots of pretty hatching, they're for sale if anyone's interested!

This one's not for sale but I wanted to show her cuz she's really pretty

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Posted: Thu, 06/02/2020 10:23 (5 Years ago)
Oooh, lovely babies u got here

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