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Posted: Sun, 15/03/2015 21:14 (9 Years ago)
yippee the idea has become reality, not sure if it was my post that did it but im happy

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Posted: Sat, 17/01/2015 08:09 (9 Years ago)
as i mentioned in the above post i know our ID pages have a few of our stats on i, but what im recommending is a new page with a lot more information and the ability for other to search up that information, or maybe even see who has done the most in an area that dosen't have a spot on the rank list

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Posted: Sun, 04/01/2015 12:21 (9 Years ago)
i like how the way there is a game records page on our id pages but id like to see another page maybe under the town menu for a hall of records that allows you to look up all your stats or the stats of a friend to see all their stats, and allows people to compare, and maybe a feature to see who the top 10 are in that category like the rank list page

total poke count
total eggs hatched
total interactions
battle won/lost/draw
average interactions a day/week/month
highest lvl poke
last poke hatched
total number of pokewalks
total number of steps on pokewalker
shortest sucessful chain
longest sucessful chain

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Posted: Sun, 07/09/2014 16:16 (10 Years ago)
@Queen_Pumpkaboo i see what your getting at, how it would could be argued as partly anti-social, but i suggested it so that you could see to your friends first, before using the main clicklist, so that you can help your friends more effectively, im not suggesting it would take the place of any other clicklist, just that it be an other option, and that it effects everyone on that users clicklist whether or not they're on or offline :|

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Posted: Sun, 07/09/2014 08:00 (10 Years ago)
@purplerodri-lover106 because not all players want all their pokes mass clicked, but most all players will want their pokes in their parties clicked for leveling up and hatching eggs, and they wouldnt have to keep checking their pages to see any new pokes or eggs it would come up on the clicklist

and the sheer size of the clicklist if it was to be a friendlist mass click it would be huge most players have 200+ to 500+ pokes and some people like me have over 100 friends so that's a huge clicklist that most people wouldn't be able to get through in a full day, i know i wouldn't

i hope that answers your problem

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Posted: Sun, 07/09/2014 07:40 (10 Years ago)
@purplerodri-lover106 i dont under stand your problem with my idea, please rephrase so i can answer

@ShubhamSinha thanks for the support

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Posted: Sun, 07/09/2014 07:37 (10 Years ago)
100% support, i cant tell you how many times ive scrolled the exchange looking for dragon gems, when a search would have helped alot

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Posted: Sun, 07/09/2014 07:34 (10 Years ago)
support 100%, this would help everyone to keep track of their PD much easier,

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Posted: Sun, 07/09/2014 07:29 (10 Years ago)
I'm loving this new union room and the way that you can interact with all specific players pokes, only only those players who are online and only those who have interacted with you,

I'd like to recommend a new clicklist option, to interact with all those on your friendlist,but only their main parties, so you wouldn't have to go through your friendlist and open each of their pages separately and click their parties, and like the other it would change as new pokes and eggs are swapped in and out

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Posted: Tue, 10/06/2014 16:30 (10 Years ago)
ok no problem

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Posted: Sun, 08/06/2014 16:36 (10 Years ago)
ok i see ur points =( guess i didn't really think it through, just thought it might save time when it would come to getting breeding pairs, or sets of pokes

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Posted: Sun, 08/06/2014 15:30 (10 Years ago)
ok im loving the auction, but here is my idea for improving it.

instead of just 1 poke auction we change it to do multiple sell up to 2-6 pokes in a group auction,

be it breeding pairs or teams of pokes, legionaries,or sets of a poke and for each extra poke the limit of the amount that can be bid rises say 100k per extra poke

but everyone would be limited to 1 group auction at a time and it would count as one of their 4 auction at a time,

any other ideas, or any flaws in my idea?

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Posted: Sun, 08/06/2014 09:05 (10 Years ago)
Saw this category in the forms so i though id give it a go

Days been going well so far 2250 interactions done so far,:)

spun the legend slots twice so far today and came up empty so far:,(

My cash is starting to get refilled, im not going to get carried away like that again 70K on an Axew is just plain stupid, ill have to be more cleaver with my cash in the auctions from now on

My pokes for auction box is looking empty only have 4 Gible to sell and I've got 4 Axew on the way so that should do for a day or two while i work on my new dragon team

Gotta get them each to lvl 100 or higher, then i might sell them if im desperate for cash, but ill breed a new pair for breeding for each before i do

anything major happens ill post

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Posted: Mon, 02/06/2014 18:46 (10 Years ago)
the go up button should be located at the bottom of the thread page, its a handy function, i agree

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Posted: Mon, 02/06/2014 18:40 (10 Years ago)
this is gonna be fun cant wait

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Posted: Sun, 11/05/2014 10:46 (10 Years ago)

Title: hello

hello one and all:)
my name is john im a student in digital media, i specialize is 3D graphics and design, :B
I've been a fan of pokemon from the beginning, and was a member of the recently closed mmorpg site pokemon omega,:,( i loved the site and was really annoyed when i closed but i hope to make here my new home:P

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