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Demintion OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 2 |
Posted: Sun, 17/05/2015 17:40 (9 Years ago) |
I woke that morning with the same feeling I had gone to sleep with, pure excitement. It was time to start my first adventure as a Pokemon trainer, and I would be receiving my starter Pokemon shortly. That night I had barely fell into a dream-filled state. Who would I chose, or more like, who would be chosen for me. See in the town I grew up in, trainers didn’t just pick their partner, they were selected for them based on what type they liked. My preferred favourite type is Fire. So based off that, my Pokemon would be chosen, and we would start our adventure together. What’s my goal? To capture every Pokemon there is, and to also make friends along the way. Oh, I forgot to tell you my name. Demintion is what they call me around here. (Said like dimension ) Yeah, it’s not your average name like Joe or Nichole or anything like that. Anyway, most people have unique names in Emera Town, oh yeah, that’s where I live. Emera Town is famous for Emeralds and other gems. It was created by some of the best Pokemon trainers out there, and is known for being the town of Pokeheroes. ~Demintion ~April 4, 2015 10:55 am, Demintion stared at that time for a few seconds before she realized she had to meet the Professor at 11:00 am to receive her starter Pokemon. With a shrill squeak, she quickly typed in the last part of her Diary entry, and quickly submitted it to it’s folder on her computer. She jumped up from her desk, and quickly threw her clothes on. Her clothes consisted of a lime green tank top with an unzipped leather jacket that was cut just above the start of her abdomen. She also wore black skinny jeans, with a green and black striped belt, and to the end outfit she wore green and black running shoes. Demintion was quick when getting ready, especially when she was late for one of the most important days of her life. She brushed her teeth, fixed her hair, and ran down the stairs of her home. She yelled a quick goodbye to her mother before she was completely out the door. She was about to break out into a run until she seemed to run smack into a brick wall. ‘THUD’ “Oww,” was all she could think to say, until she regained her composure, still sitting on the ground, she looked up. A boy a bit taller than her held out his hand; Demintion quickly grabbed it and pulled her into a tight hug. She smiled as she felt the warmth from his touch, but soon felt cold once more as he parted from her. She pushed at him slightly, making him step back a step, and became serious. “Kokenza, I thought you already were heading to the Professor’s lab to get your Pokemon?” She chided softly. “I decided to wait on you, isn’t that what a boyfriend does?” He questioned jokingly. Demintion shrugged, and lightly grabbed his hand, both keeping pace with each other’s steps. They talked about what they weould do once getting their first starter. They both had the same plan, capturing and training all Pokemon. They finally reached the Professor’s lab, and he greeted them with a smile. “You’re both late, Demintion and Kokenza.” “Sorry Professor Rowan,” they both chimed together. It’s quite alright. Are you ready to receive your Starter Pokemon? You both chose Fire as the type you most desire. Here are your Pokemon Eggs.” He handed one egg to each of them, and they just stared blankly at him for a moment. “Eggs?” Kokenza was the first to remark. “Yes, like you know, Emera is not like most Pokemon Starter Towns. Instead of getting a Pokeball with your Starter in it, you must hatch the egg on your own, and take it from there. We realized that it’s the best way for a Pokemon and it’s trainer to bond quickly and have a stronger connection.” They both nodded, and started to walk towards Route 53, but only to the place they knew wouldn’t hold Pokemon. The Eggs sat warmly in their laps, and they both talked until night began to set it’s course on the town. Getting up, they both dwelled in a warm hug. Kokenza kissed Demintion on the forehead, and then they headed their separate ways back to their homes. The next morning would come in a few hours, and what will be waiting for her then? Demintion went to her room after supper, and looked towards her laptop. She thought about righting in her Diary, but quickly decided against it. She would write about her day tomorrow. (I’m still working on this, but this going in as my first Diary Entry! I hope you will all enjoy reading it! I’m posting the pictures of what are trainers look like in the bottom! The Pokemon in the Picutres are our favourite Pokemon of course. ^_^) ![]() ![]() [Read more] |
Demintion OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 2 |
Posted: Fri, 15/05/2015 09:38 (9 Years ago) |
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