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Posted: Thu, 23/04/2020 09:37 (4 Years ago)
A country flag is missing.
Name of the Country: Jordan
Images of it:
Anything else you need to say?: I might migrate there in Jordan soon, so I'll just put it here just in case.

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Posted: Fri, 07/12/2018 19:18 (6 Years ago)
Favorite Pokemon: Breloom
Item category, please?

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Posted: Fri, 30/11/2018 11:59 (6 Years ago)
Join my hashtag contest!
Hashtag to use: #DailyDragonDecember
Prize(s): Dragon Gem
Additional requirements: This will happened daily this December and it iwll be a form of quiz and giveaway.

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Posted: Sun, 25/11/2018 17:23 (6 Years ago)
Hello, ProfessorGreenie.

I have a DeviantArt account and I told the person not to steal the artwork. I know it won't work this time, but I will going to report it via moderation team. My dA account is FilipinoBreloom, though. Don't worry. I'm one of the people to be taken care of it.

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Posted: Sat, 24/11/2018 15:45 (6 Years ago)

Title: RULES

1. This game will be open for the public in 05:30 PM (Philippine Standard Time or PST) or 09:30 (PokeHeroes Time). That means, 10 minutes for preparing myself for the incoming game, and 20 minutes for the calculations and announcing of the winners of the game. The game will always start at 06:00 PM (PST) or 10:30 (PH Time) and ends always on 05:00 PM (PST) or 09:00 (PST). If there will be a possible delay of this game, then I take full pledge responsibility about it and adjust for everyone. I have life outside PokeHeroes, too.
2. One guess per user only. If you have a mistake on guessing your place, I will contact you via Pal Pad or private message. If you have two guesses without stated, I will give you the first warning.
3. I will not be going to tell you the answers, hints or any indications regarding about the game, while the games are ongoing. If you want to ask that questions, then I won’t tolerate that.
4. Please share the hashtag, #DailyDragonDecember, so that people can participate and one Dragon Gem daily in this month of December (as stated above).
5. Always follow the rules in the topic stated above. If the rules says to guess a country, then guess a country only. If the rule says to guess an island, then guess an island only. Be careful if you type these guesses like ‘Cook Islands, Tristan da Cunha or Pacific Ocean’ in a country section, because I will state that you’re guessing it wrong, but never counted as first warning. If you do it thrice, then I will give you a warning.
6. I will record your comments once I see the comments. If you want to edit your guess, type [ b ] [EDITED] [ / b ] (without spaces) and your changed guess. Once you don’t follow the rules and you edited it without my consent (unless first-timers) then I will give you my first offense message.
7. I will give you three warnings if you do not follow the rules. The first warning will be contacting you via Pal Pad and private message saying, “You have received your first offense from the hashtag, #DailyDragonDecember, for not following the rules properly. Always abide the rules properly.” The first offense doesn’t apply on other valid excuses such as first-timers, and accidental press. The second warning is now a private message and will be saying in bold text, “You have received your second warning coming from the same hashtag. If you do this for the third time, then face the consequence and you’ll be eliminated from the game.” The last offense will be added from my block-list and never participate from the game ever again. I will have to be nice after the giveaway ended.
8. Always follow PokeHeroes rules. They are very, very important and applicable in the quiz giveaway.
9. If you want to ask any questions, don't hesitate to Pal Pad me.

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Posted: Sat, 24/11/2018 15:36 (6 Years ago)
Good day to you all. My username is Breloom and I love geography. Geography is my passion ever since I was a child and I am obsessed by countries that are fascinating and cities that are interesting or obscure to the general public. There are many scenes to see especially when you are interested in Geography. That's why I want to share my knowledge to you, or maybe a quiz to enhance your geography skills and look unto cities that are very new to you.

Look at the date. It's almost December. Hence, this December, I will give someone Dragon Gem daily who guessed the answer correctly or the closest possible answer for the specific question. It's nice to have Dragon Gem, especially if you are currently looking for Zygarde or just wanted to have a Shiny Hunt a Zygarde or Drampa. On December 31, there's a special surprise await you. So stay tune.

Remember to share this hashtag, #DailyDragonDecember, this December.

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Posted: Tue, 20/11/2018 03:25 (6 Years ago)
Username: Breloom
What would you like?:
Show hidden content

(I like your artwork so I want to use this as your guide, and of course, CHRISTMAS SPECIAL!)

Full-body or Headshot?: Full body
Add an Avatar?: Yes.
Background color/s: The Pokemon and costume stay as is, but you have the freewill for Christmas lights colors and his Christmas gift.
Additional information (ex. pose, emotion): He should have a puto and bibingka in his hand while eating, and the Christmas lights must be present from his body. Also, there should be a Christmas gift in his left side.
Payment: 175K
Other: I want to add the price since your artwork is beautiful and I want this to be my avatar in PokeHeroes and Sporcle this Christmas Month.

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Posted: Sun, 18/11/2018 19:36 (6 Years ago)
Cupcake, a Pokesona Sprite please!
Username: Breloom
Pokemon: Original art by me, Revised Art by Greenie
Password: Pokeyman
Payment: 20K
Other: As possible, kindly save it in Tumblr, Imgur or any alteratives as DeviantArt is unavailable here in my place right now.

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Posted: Sun, 18/11/2018 17:21 (6 Years ago)
I want to order art!
Username: Breloom
Type: Full body
Show hidden content

Art originally made by me

Revised art made by ProfessorGreenie

Payment: 101K PD
Other: You have the freewill for facial expression and color of the barong. The salakot (hat) should be brown.

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Posted: Sat, 10/11/2018 15:41 (6 Years ago)
@ProfessorGreenie Just to take note. I really wish I want to tag your DeviantArt, but unfortunately that you don't have one. I decided to use the original artwork as my avatar in my Sporcle account. I still credit to avoid copyright infringement to appreciate that your artworks are great.

This is a great opportunity for me to draw my PokeSona using digital art of yours. :D :D

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Posted: Sat, 10/11/2018 08:21 (6 Years ago)
:D Oh my gosh! It's amazing and I really love IT so much! Thanks a whole lot. :D

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Posted: Wed, 07/11/2018 17:45 (6 Years ago)
Username: Breloom
What would you like?: Saga
Full-body or Headshot?: Both
Add an Avatar?: Of course.
Background color/s: Red, Blue, White and Yellow. (colors of Philippine flag)
Additional information (ex. pose, emotion): The hat (salakot) and the Barong Tagalog (he's wearing) should be present. The salakot must be brown, but you have the freewill to choose which color for the barong.
Payment: 300K + 55 Nuggets?
Other: I'm a Newcomer, but I love your artwork. (:

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Posted: Thu, 18/10/2018 08:43 (6 Years ago)
I am still hoping you won't skip mine, but I can still wait patiently.

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Posted: Fri, 12/10/2018 00:58 (6 Years ago)
It's because Shiny Gyarados are more populated than Shiny Magikarp.

Why is Lumiose City depicted as Paris in the real world?

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Posted: Fri, 12/10/2018 00:58 (6 Years ago)

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Posted: Fri, 12/10/2018 00:57 (6 Years ago)
3/10 (Simple, but not that creative. Sorry.)

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Posted: Fri, 12/10/2018 00:56 (6 Years ago)
Vibrating through my mind. You did this for the Event Points, are you?

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Posted: Fri, 12/10/2018 00:42 (6 Years ago)

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Posted: Fri, 12/10/2018 00:41 (6 Years ago)

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Posted: Fri, 12/10/2018 00:41 (6 Years ago)
S u r e .

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