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Posted: Tue, 06/12/2016 19:50 (8 Years ago)

Title: Hunt Number 6

So I took a small break from hunting shinies ((if you could tell) but came back for the christmas event and got a sandygast. Since I bought pokemon moon and sun I really wanted to get some of the new pokemon before they become normal ones and figured it wouldn't be bad to have a shiny of it either. Plus it looks better all black if you ask me. So here he is is

Castlevania the Sandygast soon to be Palossand

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Posted: Sun, 30/10/2016 09:35 (8 Years ago)

Title: Hunt Number 5

So My next hunt was Abra (and I have finally caught up to all my hunts) This one took me awhile because I really just wanted the mega able This hunt also took me only to egg number 17 before I got my first shiny so that was pretty cool. I wasn't super creative with the nickname of my first abra shiny but here he is

Alankazam The Shiny Kadabra

I eventually got my second shiny but sold it off for 75k on the auction house. I sold it before posting though so no link sorry. I was still on the hunt though because I still wanted a mega able and it wasn't til like my 150th egg that I finally hatched this bad boy. (I also realize the gengar above wasn't hatched by me but I traded on the global trade and got him) I do plan on trading him at some point though so I can have a mega able Alakazam. I will update with the new guys link when I do in a new post though.

The Mega Able Kadabra

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Posted: Sun, 30/10/2016 09:20 (8 Years ago)

Title: Hunt Number 4

So for my fourth hunt I decided to go with Ralts. I really really wanted a male mega able Ralts but was very unlucky so you may see this hunt again in the future. Ralts was kind of evil and I didnt get anything til I hatched my 86th egg. I then got a shiny ralts. I named her after my partner's favorite goddess

Eris the Shiny Gardevoir

I still didn't want to give up on my chance at a male mega able ralts and kept trying I eventually got two mega able ralts but both were female. I recently sold one of them on the Auction House for 86k and the other I havn't named but here she is

The Mega Able Gardevoir

As you can tell though I decided not to keep going or I would have my male ralts as well.

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Posted: Sat, 29/10/2016 22:36 (8 Years ago)

Title: Hunt number 3

So my next hunt lead me to Absol. In Pokemon Alpha Sapphire Absol was my first shiny on that game and felt I should have a shiny here too haha. With this one I really wanted a mega able shiny absol but gave up after my third shiny I am not sure where one of the shinies ended up though (after an auction) so no link for it. Hope it made it to a good home though haha
So I first got a Mega Able which I named Nevaeh which while cheesy is still a name I actually like haha

Nevaeh The Mega Able Absol

The first Absol Shiny I sold so no name and no link but the second one I named the opposite of my mega able one

Daemon the Shiny Absol

The third Absol is for sale if I am still the owner so I haven't named it

The Shiny Absol

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Posted: Sat, 29/10/2016 22:10 (8 Years ago)

Title: First Mega Able Pokemon

So after I got my first two shinies from a hunt I decided to hunt out Gastly because I wanted to get my first mega able pokemon. It took me about 3 days before I got anything though and honestly you may find me hunting gastly again because I want that illusive shiny mega able Gengar more than most of the other shiny mega able pokemon. I name all my gengars Mr or Ms Ginni not really sure why to be honest but that's just how I do. haha

Mr. Ginni The Mega Able Gengar

With this hunt I was able to nab a shiny gastly as well and because the only shiny I actually like of the trio without the ability to mega evolve is gastly I decided to throw an everstone her way so she stays gastly

Ms. Ginni the Shiny Gastly

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Posted: Sat, 29/10/2016 22:02 (8 Years ago)

Title: Second/Third Shiny

So as I was saying before I was hunting Eevee when I got my first Shiny but like a day after I got my shiny Illumise I got my second and third shiny, eevee. They are almost shiny twins even but there was an egg in between the two.

Vaporeon is my very favorite eeveelution so I obviously evolved my Eevee into Vaporeon. I also am dating someone who is extremely punny so the name I went with and her color made me name her. Espeon is probably my third favorite but I really like psychic pokemon so went with her as my second choice. The name I choose for her was inspired by probably the most famous psychic miss Cleo. While she may be a fraud she still totally put psychics into the public eye.

Violet Femme The Shiny Vaporeon

Cleo The Shiny Espeon

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Posted: Sat, 29/10/2016 21:51 (8 Years ago)
So I wanted to just have a place to "brag" about my shiny/mega able hunting I wish I could of started this sooner but I am master of procrastination haha

I will be doing a post for each shiny or mega-able pokemon I get and what I do with it.
Some of the links will be missing since I sold them and not sure where they went too haha. But all the ones I hatch from here on out will have a link to it.

Wish me luck!

So I totally didn't expect this shiny as I hadn't even tried hunting for it haha. I was hunting for eevee at the time and this little girl popped up during my very first attempt at the Bug Contest.

I named her after one of my favorite scenes in The Fifth Element because of her blue color and her super fabulous talent

Diva Plavalaguna the Shiny Illumise

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Posted: Sun, 04/09/2016 04:19 (8 Years ago)
Your Sky Gift has been sent to queenyuna!

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Posted: Fri, 02/09/2016 02:33 (8 Years ago)
Your Sky Gift has been sent to geckolocation!

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Posted: Thu, 01/09/2016 10:40 (8 Years ago)
Your Sky Gift has been sent to Scarheart99789!

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Posted: Wed, 31/08/2016 20:53 (8 Years ago)
clicking LethalLulu :D

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Posted: Wed, 31/08/2016 16:10 (8 Years ago)
Tiera resolved the issue and sent it now!
(edited since problem has been resolved)

I will send to the person above me though so I don't mess things up

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Posted: Wed, 31/08/2016 04:44 (8 Years ago)
Sending :D

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