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I'm Feeling Lucky

Searching for: Posts from Charmaniac96.
Posted: Thu, 20/04/2017 21:28 (7 Years ago)
One more hour to find the fifteenth egg. *sigh* I don't think I'll be finding it. I searched everywhere except individual forum posts and haven't spotted it. I was really hoping it'd be in the Royal Tunnel when I hit level 15 but no luck.

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Posted: Wed, 19/04/2017 04:11 (7 Years ago)
Okay. Thank you for the information.

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Posted: Tue, 18/04/2017 20:29 (7 Years ago)
So I've looked all around the forums here and can't find anything on this. I don't want certain Pokemon of mine to evolve since I already have their evolutions. I've been buying Everstones to stop this but I saw somewhere that someone was looking for Pokemon that could "still evolve". That made me think that maybe after a certain level, Pokemon won't evolve anymore.
Is this true? If so, what level do they stop evolving? Is there any other way to stop a Pokemon from evolving (since I don't want to spend all my money on Everstones.)

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Posted: Tue, 18/04/2017 17:07 (7 Years ago)
Seems like a good waste of time!

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Posted: Sat, 01/04/2017 05:48 (7 Years ago)
Went to google to see if the berries from the farm would be able to be sent to the ranch (just made sense to me. farm is kinda pointless if you can't send em to the ranch.) I found this thread. Definitely bumping because this needs to be implemented. My cows are hungry but I can't afford berries all the time. plus since I'm giving my cows all my berries, I have none to give other people's pokemon and that makes me sad because they always eye one of my berries and I wind up making them train instead of feeding them.

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Posted: Mon, 27/03/2017 00:56 (7 Years ago)
This is going to be sad. So if you don't like sad, skip this.

When I first played Silver, I was shocked to find an amazingly big, fire dog that ran away instantly. Twelve year old me fell in love with the beautiful dog and immediately looked in my dex to find out what I'd just found. Even its name was beautiful. Entei.
So, I spent several days chasing the beast. I never caught it. My game had even been stolen from me so I never got the chance.

Flash forward about six years and I found myself in possession of a beautiful Boxer-Mix, puppy. He had a silly face and was all paws when he walked. His 'all paws' walk reminded me of the old Scooby-Doo cartoons, so I named him Scooby. He was my beast friend in the whole world and I was his whole world. He only barked when someone or something was on the property, he protected my cats from other dogs and he liked to lead me around whenever we walked, staying right next to me instead of dragging me. We even had the same fear of the dark and he'd cry at night until we turned the porch light on so he could see better. And we both used to get a bit sick in the winter, me with a cough and he'd be extra tired until our bodies adjusted to the cold. He was the perfect dog.... except one thing. He was very much a chain dog and an escape artist. If I let him off the chain, he'd run all around the neighborhood and would not come when called. I'd have to catch him. Unfortunately, he was much faster than me. So I had to trick him into coming to me (I'd pretended to pass out, fall down, have a treat or just pretend to give up and go home). But since I could never catch him, I used to call him 'My Little Entei.'
Five years after I got him, he caught pneumonia when winter started. We didn't realize he was really sick until it was too late. His last couple days of life, I unhooked him and let him go wherever he pleased because I knew we couldn't afford his vet bill that year as I had gotten sicker than normal and my family was already on hard times. He passed away that year, followed by my cat Shadow, who'd been poisoned by my neighbor because he was a black cat, and the family puppy, who caught parvo and the local vet refused to treat her.
Since the day Scooby passed away, I have been fighting hard to capture my own Shiny Entei in honor of My Little Entei. It's been a rough two years since his death and I still haven't gotten my own yet, But i'm still fighting hard. I will get my Scooby and I'll never let him go again.

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Posted: Mon, 27/03/2017 00:15 (7 Years ago)
How in the world can anyone want to play the Treasure hunt game in the game corner? like seriously? i've played twice and both times the chest was empty. It seems so unfair when the game is so expensive to play and there a chance you'll get nothing. I mean. those empty chests should have mini prizes in them. Very frustrated.

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Posted: Mon, 27/03/2017 00:09 (7 Years ago)
Hello, everybody! I've spend the past two days rapid clicking in random clicklists and my wrist isn't doin too good but I love helping!

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Posted: Sun, 26/03/2017 03:06 (7 Years ago)
The auction house says you'll get your money back if you don't win, but I just lost an auction and didn't receive any of my coins back. Is this a bug or do I just need to wait longer to get it back? (I've waited like five minutes so far.)
Nevermind. As soon as I posted this, i got it back. lol sorry.
Now I can't figure out how to delete this post.

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Posted: Tue, 21/03/2017 02:06 (7 Years ago)
Hey. Just started playing today. YAY

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