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I'm Feeling Lucky

Searching for: Posts from Cecil.
Posted: Sun, 09/12/2018 05:14 (6 Years ago)
banned just cause i felt like it

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Posted: Sat, 21/07/2018 22:14 (6 Years ago)
Banned because your avatar is cute

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Posted: Wed, 17/01/2018 04:39 (7 Years ago)
Ohh right
Rip me for not doing the math pfff

Make it 500k then!

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Posted: Wed, 17/01/2018 04:26 (7 Years ago)
400k on Spoopy.

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Posted: Tue, 16/01/2018 22:29 (7 Years ago)
I'll increase my bid on Spoopy. 250K PD.

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Posted: Tue, 16/01/2018 05:21 (7 Years ago)
I bid 100K PD on the Spoopy boye-

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Posted: Thu, 08/12/2016 20:40 (8 Years ago)
Imma be using Brionne :'3

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Posted: Thu, 24/11/2016 04:58 (8 Years ago)
"K-Kill them...?" I didn't really want to hurt anyone. Seeing how the number of people left alive in the world kept decreasing every day, I felt as if killing anyone wasn't necessary. "Okay... If you want to." I returned the smile she gave me, albeit in a more awkward way. "Let's go then."

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Posted: Thu, 24/11/2016 04:50 (8 Years ago)
"I, uhh... Well, I guess I could go to my old house... But what if someone broke in and is now hiding there?" I looked at the forest that was kind of far away. My mother didn't really like the city, and she actually built a tiny house in the forest. We only came to the city to buy food and other things, but we spent most of our time in the forest.

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Posted: Wed, 23/11/2016 10:16 (8 Years ago)
"I-I'm sorry to hear that about your mother..." I tensed up when she hugged me, and I awkwardly returned the hug, because I wasn't used to receiving affection of any kind. "Be my... Friend... Yeah, that would be great... Thank you." I looked up at the sky, and noticed it was starting to get dark. "Uh-oh. I think we should find a place to hide for the night."

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Posted: Wed, 23/11/2016 10:06 (8 Years ago)
"Celeste... That's a nice name... Yeah, it's kinda weird to be out here by myself." I paused for a while, thinking about what I was going to say. When I heard her mention the word 'family', I got a little bit sad. "I'm alone. No family, no friends, no nothing. I used to have my mom, but... She... I d-don't wanna talk about that."

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Posted: Wed, 23/11/2016 09:38 (8 Years ago)
I saw her lower her knife, and assumed it was a good thing. I did the same. Maybe this person was friendly after all. "M-My name is C-C-Cecil Wright... Who are you...?" I put my knife back in my pocket, but still kept an eye on the girl, just in case she tried to do something.

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Posted: Wed, 23/11/2016 09:21 (8 Years ago)
I stopped walking when I felt something, or rather someone, touch my shoulder. I froze. What if whoever did that was trying to steal my things? I slowly took a knife out of my pocket, and turned around. The person looked like a girl. A young girl. I wasn't gonna take any chances. "What do you want from me?!" I pointed at her with my knife, hoping that I could scare her off.

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Posted: Wed, 23/11/2016 08:53 (8 Years ago)
I kept walking, completely unaware that someone was following me. I was more focused on what I was eating than where I was going. "I'm gonna have to find a place to spend the night in... Other people could go into that store while I'm there and steal my things..." I sped up a little, looking for a place where I could stay.

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Posted: Wed, 23/11/2016 07:47 (8 Years ago)
"Okay... I need to get... Food, something to drink, and I might also find a weapon if I'm lucky..." I walked through the aisles in the store, hoping to find those things. A short while passed, and I decided it was time to go back out. "More bottles of water, bags of chips... Good enough. No weapons, though..." I slowly walked out of the hole I made in the door, and walked away, eating some chips. "Hopefully no one heard that noise..."

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Posted: Wed, 23/11/2016 07:35 (8 Years ago)
I kept walking for a while until I finally decided to try and break into a store. I walked to the glass door, and tried pushing. Door won't move. I tried pulling. No movement either. The door was locked. "Okay, Cecil... You're not robbing the store... You're grabbing things to feed yourself..." I grabbed a tiny rock that was nearby, and threw it at the glass door. It shattered, and now I could go in and grab as many things as I needed. "T-That was a little too much noise... I'll try not to worry about it..." I went inside, hoping to find some other useful things aside from food.

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Posted: Wed, 23/11/2016 07:15 (8 Years ago)
(Okay, we'll start now :'D We'll be starting in a city with a forest nearby.)

I walked through the desolated streets of the city, with my knife in my hand. I was nervous, since this was the first time I had to scavenge by myself. I was thinking of breaking into a store to see if I could find some food. O-Okay, Cecil... Stay calm..., I thought. Everything is gonna be okay... You won't run into any dangerous people... You're gonna make it back home safe and sound. I kept looking behind me every few minutes to make sure I wasn't being followed. I decided to hum a little to try and keep calm.

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Posted: Wed, 23/11/2016 06:26 (8 Years ago)
It was the year 2020.

Three months ago, scientists managed to create a vaccine that was able to cure any kind of sickness in the world, ranging from a simple cold, to the dreaded cancer.

Something with the vaccine went wrong, however.

The vaccine was supposed to destroy the 'bad' cells, and then grant immunity to the kind of sickness that affected the patient.

Turns out, the vaccine did more than that. After getting rid of the bad cells, it then moved on to destroy brain cells. Obviously, the results weren't pretty.

The people infected with this 'cure' began acting in a weird way. They made weird groaning sounds, walked in a strange way, and started craving flesh. Human flesh. After a while, their skin started rotting away, leaving behind a decaying, walking corpse.

These creatures went on to infect other humans, and soon enough the entire world had been swarmed by them. The people that were still alive had to find a way to survive these creatures.

Scavenging, hiding, killing... Risking their lives in the process.

This is where our story starts. Will the humans survive, or will the world be conquered by the zombies?

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So our forms will go here so we don't forget stuff.



My Form:

Name: Cecil Wright.

Age: Seven years old.

Appearance: Small skinny child with longish hair and brown eyes. Wears a grey hoodie, jeans, and running shoes. Carries a backpack with a bunch of things inside.

Equipment: Backpack, knife, bottles of water, empty gun.

History: A young kid that always tries to look at the bright side of things. Despite being cowardly, he tries his best to be strong and brave in this world filled with zombies. He saw his mother turn into a zombie right in front of him. He tries not to get too attached to anyone he meets, because he fears that they may turn into zombies like his mother did.

Other: Nope :'3

Koda's form:

Name: Celeste.

Age: Six years old.

Appearance: A small child that has a black night sky kind of hair color. She always keeps her hair up in a ponytail since it annoys her when it gets in her face. The youth showing in her face, she has light freckles upon her cheeks and eyes as blue as a large pond. She wears a black jacket with white stripes along the sleeves and bottom of it, dirty white jeans and black/white high-top converse. (Her mother spoiled her obviously.)

Equipment: A knife that she keeps hidden in her shoes along with a small gun that her mother gave her after the beginning of the apocalypse.

History: She was one of those kids that was hidden away from the darkness of the world, her mother fearing that the cruel facts in the world would break who Celeste really was. After the apocalypse began, her mother tried her best to keep her from all of the harm that was plaguing the world around them. Her mother would keep her hidden as she scavenged, making the young girl wait for her mother's return. The child had left her spot once her mother didn't return, just to find her mother's items along with her blood pooling around them. She had changed since then, the world forging her into an unforgiving, untrusting fighter.

Other: Nah.

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Posted: Fri, 07/10/2016 04:54 (8 Years ago)
@All the mods

What is your favorite videogame (aside from Pokemon)?

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Posted: Sun, 02/10/2016 19:23 (8 Years ago)
I'll be using the wiggly Numel. Thanks :>

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