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Searching for: Posts from -Elvenstar-.
Posted: Sat, 09/06/2018 12:59 (6 Years ago)
(Am I being ignored in the rp? Because if so, I will retract my characters and save them for something else.)

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Posted: Mon, 04/06/2018 18:34 (6 Years ago)
(is this active?)

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Posted: Fri, 01/06/2018 22:02 (6 Years ago)
Name: Valkea (white in Finnish)
Gender: Female
Pokémon: Luxarona (Luxray/Volcarona hybrid)
Level: 5
Ability: Flame Body
Personality: A very timid Pokemon who is easy to scare and quick to worry. She is very paranoid of the world and the Pokemon around her, however she is very dependant and doesn't last long on her own. After awakening in a dark, hard shell, she became claustrophobic and feared she would die as she was too weak to escape, however in her panic she used Fire Spin and burned the cocoon away. She acts almost child-like at times as she is very naive and innocent, unlike what the voice in her head tells her. She has no idea who or what it is and it only fuels her paranoia.

Fire Spin
Silver Wind

Outsider: No
Accessory: A necklace with a small vial charm attached, filled with very fine sand stained green with algae
Item: None
Other: Due to the nature of her origins and the fact she is a hybrid, she has slightly poor eyesight but heightened senses such as hearing and her sixth sense. She is a pure Fire type, she lost the Electric and Bug typing from the Pokemon she is a hybrid of. However, she inherited some moves from those typings.

Image of Valkea

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Posted: Tue, 29/05/2018 11:39 (6 Years ago)
Ossian walked along a sandy beach, wet, exhausted and in need of rest. His ears were down and his golden eyes scanned the area for any more danger. He had just been attacked by a Charizard, Flygon and Garchomp who were a trouble-making team and injured his right front paw, slightly limping as he dragged himself from the ocean where his attackers dropped him in a hope to make him faint. He saw a road leading up an incline, hoping it would lead to somewhere. As he began to follow the trail, his eyes caught sight of Sharpedo Bluff, never seeing the unique cliff formation before he wondered if some Pokemon had carved it, maybe a Larvitar or Steelix. The more he walked, the more exhausted he became, panting as his wet fur weighed heavy on him. Eventually he made it to a junction, with a guild to the north and a town to the west. But before he could even think of where to go, his legs collapsed and he fell in the dirt, in pain and feeling unconsciousness wash over him. With the last of his strength, he let out a cry, hoping to attract attention and come to his aid.

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Posted: Mon, 28/05/2018 22:25 (6 Years ago)

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Posted: Mon, 28/05/2018 17:02 (6 Years ago)
On a perilous mountain in the dead of night, a thunderstorm roared in the dark sky. Heavy rain attacked the land and flashes of bright yellow lightning ran across the clouds. An Eevee and his son trekked along the dangerously tricky terrain towards their only salvation; a cave set deep into the cliff face. Safety seemed so close, and yet it was just out of reach. A bolt of lightning struck the mountain and set a stray pine ablaze, which happened to be holding up a collection of rocks. As the tree withered away under the crimson flames, a boulder became dislodged and began to tumble. In a split second, it had landed between the two travellers and knocked the Eevee off, leaving him to be caught by his son. But no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't keep a grip on his father and with one last goodbye, the Eevee slipped and fell down the mountain to the ground below. Now fatherless and outcast by his family, Ossian the shiny Umbreon travels to find a place to call home and belong...

On the other side of the ocean, a deep blue sea swarms with life as creatures swim and glide across the cerulean waves, leaving glistening water drops that reflect the sun's harsh rays to plop back to the vast ocean. Deep, deep below the surface, a dark cave sits with seaweed acting as a cover to the entrance. A blue and pink fin pokes from the green wall, a shy life hiding behind it. A shy Milotic called Vanity waits for the all clear to leave her home.

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Posted: Mon, 28/05/2018 15:03 (6 Years ago)
Name: Ossian
Pokemon: Shiny Umbreon
Gender: Male

Dark Pulse
Shadow Ball
Double Team

Partner: Open

Ossian is reserved and prefers solitude due to being outcast by his siblings after his father's death. However he will work with others if absolutely necessary. He doesn't want to hurt anyone else or cause any more death so he tries not to get attached or hang around.

Name: Vanity
Pokemon: Milotic
Gender: Female

Hydro Pump

Partner: None

Vanity is very shy and quick to flee, being cautious of every Pokemon. She hardly roams from her ocean cave and when she does, she avoids others. Not many people have seen her and even fewer have spoken to her.

P.S. You said no legendaries, so I'm assuming no mythicals either?

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