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Dream World

Summerskies's Gifts

[View Summerskies's Plushie Collection]

Nacho I love you my sweet angel, you really are the cutest girl in the world, I love you with all my heart and I always will, forever and ever and longer <3 Happy birthday my love, really, really happy birthday, surrounded with your friends, family, full of joy, laughs and love <3 8 Years ago
Nacho Don't worry, You will definitely have me for the rest of your life, so you can wish for something else ;) As you can tell I had this little spam prepared, and I'm gonna wait until you get back home to set up all of the poke gifts that I have for you <3 8 Years ago
Nacho Happy birthday, my best friend, my companion, my angel, my love <3 I'm so happy to spend this important day with you, and I pray to spend every other birthday (and every other day) together as well <3 Blow the candles, and ask for a wish <3 8 Years ago
Nacho Happy birthday, my lovely princess, and may your wishes always come true, and those that don't I'll make them true for you, may that beautiful smile of yours shine big and happy for the rest of your life <3 I wish you a perfect and wonderful day, all the happiness in the world and much more since that's doubtlessly only the beggining of how much you really deserve <3 8 Years ago
Nacho HAPPY BIRTHDAAAAAAAAAAAAAY! My sweet adored angel, today I swear is one of my favorite days of the year because we celebrate the birth of who would become the most sweetest and adorable person in the world, the one that I love the most in the whole world and that I thank God every single day for having in my life <3 8 Years ago
Nacho I know you're officially still 7 hours away fron your birthday according to your time zone, but in ph world its already the 23rd, and I simply can't hold my anxiety anymore >w< (And I want an excuse to be the first person to wish you happy birthday :p) 8 Years ago
Endy 8 Years ago
Nacho Ishn't this such a cutie tiny little kitty? >w< Just like yew <3 Hehe are you my skitty? <3 I love you my cute girl <3 I miss you, I wish you were with me right now and we were having fun together >w< 8 Years ago
Nacho You know you really are adorable? I'm sorry if I was a bit harsh :( I kinda get too excited whenever there's somthing we can do together >w< hey! Its your fault for making me love you so much u.u 8 Years ago
Nacho I'm prolly going to bed soon, but I would love if you could call me when you get home, because honestly there's nothing that makes me happier than hearing your sweet voice <3
So please come to me as soon as possible
8 Years ago
Nacho I'm sorry if at times I'm a little icy, I guess I just gotta learn to chill.. but a smooch from you will always make me feel better :3 You just mean so much to me, I sometimes make a big deal >w< but I do love you with all my heart, you know that? <3 8 Years ago
Nacho My sweetheart... I just want you to know that I love you with all my heart and I always will no matter what... I mean it <3 you are the sweetest girl in the world, and there's not an instant that my life doesn't revolve around you.. Ever since I met you, my mind has kept you always there <3 I love you 8 Years ago
Dkaraly 8 Years ago
Isabellaeve13 8 Years ago
Nacho Gonna continue with the pink spam as soon as I get more dp owo
So time to interact and hoard some more :3
I love you darling <3
8 Years ago
Nacho Can the next movie be a romcom? :3
Or maybe something funny owo
Whatever we watched would be perfect cuz I'd be with you <3
8 Years ago
Nacho Wasn't yesterday's movie so fun? Thank you for so many lovely moments together <3 I love you angel <3 8 Years ago
Nacho I simply love this one, its really cute and pretty like you >w< I love you princess <3 You're really the sweetest girl I ever met <3 And You sound so adorable in your sleep :p *hugs her tightly and snuggles up to her* <3 8 Years ago
Nacho Sweetheart... I love you with all my heart <3 Thank you for always making me so happy, for being the sweetest person in the world.. thank you for being who you are with me, and for everything you always do for me <3
H15M <3 Wuv yew <3
8 Years ago
Nacho I love you with all my heart <3 I'm sowwy if I was a lil mean, you know I just like helping you and doing everything I can to solve all your problems and i really would do anything for you <3 please count on me when you need me, ye? 8 Years ago
Nacho *hugs her so tightly* I love you too my sweet angel <3 you really are the most sweetest girl in the world and the person I love with all my heart <3 Stay mine forever, ye? <3 I love you 8 Years ago
Lighty You are such a cutie omg ;w; *hugs lots back* I love you too ❤️ And my cats love to try to cuddle with me when I'm busy mostly haha xD <3 8 Years ago
Nacho Can I simply thank you? <3 thank you for your love, for your company, for your priceless friendship and for your indescribable sweetness? For all of that, for always being there for me, for being everything I ever wanted and needed and so much more... For being my angel and the love of my life? <3 thank you.. I love you <3 8 Years ago
Nacho You are the most caring, loving and sweet person I've ever met, and honestly every moment with you is heaven itself to me... I can't hold myself from smiling, my heart rushes, my whole self flutters like crazy... And all I can think of is that you're the person that I want for the rest of my life <3 8 Years ago
Nacho Why do you always make me feel like I can't be away from you for a single instant or a single inch? I swear you're getting me as clingy as I've ever been, as attached to you as I could've ever imagined.. And as in love with you as my heart ever desired to love someone <3 i feel so blessed that someone is you <3 8 Years ago
Nacho Wish I wish upon a star, cuz I love you with all my heart, to always be right where you are, and hug and kiss til world falls apart, to stay as close regardless how far, to be as in love (which isn't hard <3), to be forever yours and you forever mine <3 I love you darling, with all my heart 8 Years ago
Lighty Have one of my favorites, because it's as adorable as you >w< ❤️ *throws hugs and luve* 8 Years ago
Nacho If You saw the way I helplessly smile whenever we're together you would understand why I'm so madly in love with you <3 if for a second you're able to feel the same flutter I do when we hug, then I bet you won't hold a doubt to why I love being with you so much <3 if you feel your whole body burn the way I do when you kiss me, you'd know for sure why I kiss you so much all the time >w<❤️ 8 Years ago
Nacho *hugs Her tightly* God i miss You like crazy >w< promise to hug me lots when you're back? Cuz I love your hugs like nothing else in the world <3 I really love you so much that I just can't put it in words >w< 8 Years ago
Nacho Yep, I'm starting the pink spam for like 5th time >w< *hugs her tightly* I love you with all my heart my sweet beautiful angel <3 and I miss you a lot.. I hope you come back to me really soon <3 stay with me forever, ye? <3 8 Years ago
Nacho You know.. I always thought beauty couldn't be the most important pillar in love.. No, there had to be something else.. Something to trascend humanity, age, time itself... When k met you that seemed more clear than ever, without even seeing you I loved you more than anything else in the world.. And then I see your pretty face and all my theory goes down the sewer >w<!! 8 Years ago
Nacho I always thought you were the Prettiest girl in the world... God was I embarrassed when I noticed my mistake... You were not the prettiest girl in the world, you were the most beautiful girl in the whole universe and other worlds to be found <3 my cute girl, I'm so mad about you... 8 Years ago
Lighty *hugs even more fluffy back* :3 8 Years ago
Nacho It's funny how you love your bad wolf but you never want to admit it :p heheh you're always so adorable <3 don't I just love you? <3 yup, with all my heart... Well, not "just love you", actually, I love you so much more than that :p 8 Years ago
Nacho Heh evil bad wolf is anxious to get his fangs on his cute little red ridinghood and get all nasty :p poor little girls fate is to end up with her clothes all ripped and bit all over :p heheh :p *hugs her tightly* I love you ^^ 8 Years ago
Nacho *growls "angrily" * woof woof! ò,—,ó everyone get away from my sweet and adorable girl! *standa in front of her facing the rest of the world* and whoever dares to make her upset won't have enough land in earth to run away from me! 8 Years ago
Nacho *hugs her tightly* I love having my gift log full of your plooshies :p and I love you ^^ thank you for all your sweetness, you always are the most sweetest and adorable person in the world to me 8 Years ago
Nacho Yesh, adorable like you <3 with that cute innocent and cheerful look <3 I miss you lots, you know that? I really need and want so many hugs from you >w< 8 Years ago
Espy :') 8 Years ago
Adaka wowie wow is that you? oh boy i haven't talked to you in forever! 8 Years ago
Isabellaeve13 8 Years ago
kaimi *hugs* I miss you! ♥ 8 Years ago
Silver_Moon Random friend^^ 8 Years ago
Crysticia Random-Friendlist-Shiny-Karp~ 8 Years ago
Crysticia Random-Friendlist-Shiny-Karp~ 8 Years ago
Aozora_no_Ange a random plushie for random friend (^_^) 8 Years ago
Crysticia Random Friendlist-Plushie~ 8 Years ago
Nacho As soon as I'm out from class I'm gonna go straight home to spam you with lots of plushies and wait anxiously for you to come back to my arms <3 but there's something that I need you to know... You got me for life my sweet angel <3 I love you 8 Years ago
Nacho My sweet shining star <3 you really are adorable, and the most wonderful person in the whole world regardless what anyone says <3 *kisses her softly* and I love everything about you :3 you really are my world 8 Years ago
Nacho I miss you my beautiful love <3 I wish I could be with you right now.. *hugs her really tightly* getting all cozy and cuddling with you >w< waking up together *blushes* yup, definitely what my heart wants <3 8 Years ago
Nacho *attempts to hypnotize her* You love me, you love me, you love me, you love me. When I snap my fingers, you're gonna come at me and *censoring beep* and you're totally *censoring beep* and then I want a deep kiss :p heh *hugs her tighter* I love you <3 8 Years ago
Nacho I'm a stony icicle owo Totally not a diamond owo And totally not as shiny as your new ring ;3 God I wish I could send it to you already >w< I'm really anxious :3 Wuv yew angel ^^ 8 Years ago
Nacho Heh new pwooshies <3 I'ma send them to you so I'm the one to cut the cute pink chain myself ^^'
But anyways... I love you <3 I missed you lots, you know? :3 Luv ya angel <3
8 Years ago
Nacho Don't wanna close my eyes.. don't wanna fall asleep, cuz I'd miss you babe, and I don't wanna miss a thing ♥ Cuz even when I dream with you... the sweetest dreams will never do, I'd still miss you angel, and I don't wanna miss my queen <3 I'll be waiting so anxiously to see you my love ♥ Sweet dreams 8 Years ago
Nacho My cuddly lovely princess ♥ Eternal owner of my heart and ruler of all my love and self ♥ I wish you the sweetest dreams in the whole world, may you have the most pleasent night ever, tonight and every night of your life, and may as well, in God's will, us meet in dreamland everynight as well <3 8 Years ago
Nacho And you also said I appreciate little things.. Well, I honestly have to correct you there, and I hope you may forgive me :3 Its not that I appreciate tiny things... it's that next to you, everything, no matter how big or small, becomes the most pleasent thing ever ♥ Like I always tell you, you turn my world into a pink and fluttery scene full of hearts everywhere :3 8 Years ago
Nacho You said I was romantic... well honestly, if I am the way I am is because you turn me into jelly with your sweetness, you make my legs and heart shake at the same pace, and make my mind go after you like a puppy chasing his tail on a hot steamy day (tounge out and drooling :P) 8 Years ago
Nacho Being with you really gotta be what makes me the happiest in the world by far <3 I couldn't imagine myself anywhere else but with you, you know that? ♥ You're just the cutest and loveliest person ever, and you know me better than noone else.. and you always, no matter what, manage to draw a smile on my face <3 See, I used the right pronoun :D! :3 8 Years ago
Nacho You wanna know something? I've been craving to send you plushies again, but I never happen to find the right time to do so >w< So how about I spam you with some love noww? ♥ Not really a spam, just all of my love <3 Which, of course, we all know belongs to you and you only 8 Years ago
Nacho *hugs her so much tighter* And I love you soooooooo so so so much more ♥ You literally are the cutest and most wonderful girl in the world, and you make me love you even more every single second <3 8 Years ago
