Plushie | From | Message | Received |
 | Waltz |
| 6 Years ago |
 | Lighty |
I do have a friend who likes coming with me, and it is also fun
with her, mostly I prefer going alone tho. I also hit the character
limit just now, wow xD And, even if you say I shouldn't worry about
typos, I'll not forget that it's there. At least, for a while.
| 6 Years ago |
 | Lighty |
Ohh, I see now why you don't take any joy in it anymore. That's
quite sad to imagine being ticked off their "worthy list". I feel
sorry for it, but that doesn't make it any better. Since I don't
enjoy any competition at all, I just do it myself. Listening to
music (thank you, sweet fancy waterproof mp3 player) being in the
middle of people while feeling like having a private time.
| 6 Years ago |
 | Waltz |
| 6 Years ago |
 | Waltz |
| 6 Years ago |
 | Waltz |
| 6 Years ago |
 | Waltz |
electric/fighting type
| 6 Years ago |
 | Lighty |
*remember...A typo, forever visible in your plushie gift log, I'm
about to cry.
| 6 Years ago |
 | Lighty |
But swimming is in my opinion the best sports in the world öwö
Aren't you sad to not do it anymore? And even more, does it really
matter if you're as good as you used to be if you focus on now and
you're able to just enjoy the present? I like to remeber this
saying "We must not allow other people's limited perceptions to
define us" - ironically, we tend to set our own greatest limits.
| 6 Years ago |
 | Waltz |
recyclable boi
| 6 Years ago |
 | Nighty |
Wish me luck with that, now I shall make first contact and give her
time to respond. In a meantime I shall head for my night meditation
so good night!
| 6 Years ago |
 | Nighty |
Indeed I witnessed that as well. I agree that this behaviour is
quite odd, but that might be some elaborate plan so we have to be
cautious. No worries, even if plan is discovered, there is nothing
that can stop it, but we should still stay on guard. But in order
to find out what kind of knowledge this spy already obtained and
where does she gets all the information, I decided to contact her
| 6 Years ago |
 | Nighty |
AA for short then, quite matching I would say, both parts are
indeed like addiction. I guess that's true. And no worries, I'm too
lazy to have any imaginary part ;p
| 6 Years ago |
 | Lighty |
What if I tell you this cat loves swimming and even did that before
going home. Meowstics are magical after all, or let’s say, have
this psycho powers, you should know better than underestimating
them, fellow volt absober. Thanks for the warming up, that’s very
much appreciated, at that point I’m all like other cats.
| 6 Years ago |
 | Nighty |
...psst... I think we have a spy among us... stay alerted and be
careful...also you didn't hear that from me...
| 6 Years ago |
 | Nighty |
Absent-minded, absent from social life, from PH, absent from world
- I would say that those describe me the best.
| 6 Years ago |
 | Nighty |
No worries, I do enjoy it all, but still that does not make me less
firm, that's just how I work, after all I am a Dark type, I can't
relax too much xD
| 6 Years ago |
 | Lighty |
Thank you for your kind (?) offer which actually manages to sound
caring and threatening at the same time. Look at you, you’re so
selfless. I do like thunder and rain. I ran around without an
umbrella which made my glasses wet which made me unable to see
everything but hey, I managed to get into my car and home right.
But who knows, I could have used a wormhole >:3
| 6 Years ago |
 | Lighty |
Both the three countries fact and the wormholes are amazing, you
can’t spoil that for me, sorry. I switched cities three times
already but never my country, boring huh. Oh, and here I am asking
directly (because I’m a nice person right) how does the wormhole
traveling work? öwö
| 6 Years ago |
 | Lighty |
Well placed humor is always good. Or the one that reached such a
weirdness level that it just can be amazing. I never thought about
blood licking vegans before. I’ll try to ask if I meet one that
doesn’t look like it’d offend them if I do. So, don’t get your
hopes that much up for a soonish answer.
| 6 Years ago |
 | Waltz |
sending trash to trash
| 6 Years ago |
 | Waltz |
| 6 Years ago |
 | Lighty |
Isn't getting plushies from someone from a non existing country
like a proof that the country must exist? Because otherwise they
would come out of nowhere. But you do like to travel through
wormholes sooo...Or it would show you aren't there anymore. Which
would be a shame because you seem to adore it so much. So, that
would explain a lot and leave me with many questions at the same
| 6 Years ago |
 | Lighty |
I knew what you meant, but couldn't resist saying that, because you
mentioned that Karp and sending the cat instead...xD I think
there's special cat food because nowdays there's special food for
almost anyone and anything? I wouldn't even be surprised to see a
vegan no grain lactose free bio one lol
| 6 Years ago |
 | Lighty |
For someone that claims to be dead you send quite lively plushies.
That irony. I don't think I wanna live in a world where cats eat
cats :c My grandpa (that I never met) is from France. Never thought
about it like that. A Karp can never be as cool as a kitty, not
even with sunglasses.
| 6 Years ago |
 | Lighty |
And where is the promised cat food, you're making me wait and I
can't say I'm very patient when it's about food. I could offer some
apples I got free at work, just to be fair.
| 6 Years ago |
 | Lighty |
Now I'm kinda sad, I prepared some special words for the 100th
needle furball plushie but now it's going to be the 500th Espeon
one. Quantity Vs. Quality owó But, it's hard to say which one is
cuter. Or which one feels more right or left for you, mhmm.
| 6 Years ago |
 | Waltz |
100 bois
| 6 Years ago |
 | Lighty |
I usually neither want nor need anything besides a good talk with
the right people. Okay, and food, but you probably won't give me
any. If you try to make me feel uncomfortable, good luck. It's hard
to tie someone that is thousands of kilometers away, but if you
surprisingly found a way, please let me know.
| 6 Years ago |
 | Lighty |
More like, your conversation qualities showed and that lures
people. I hate any form of ganging up and also someone that is
catching an interest just because they see someone else enjoys
exchanging some messages. Maybe that makes me seem kinda harsh in
that moment. But no one can help their feelings. I'll try to not
let it spoil my fun.
| 6 Years ago |
 | Auru |
Thanks google translate~ ;o Sure would be interesting to get
a message like that from a complete stranger. •>•
| 6 Years ago |
 | Lighty |
So I don't pay attention for some hours due work and a certain
friend is already flooding your gift log well well. I can't even
have an interesting friendly plushie conversation without leading
people to your profile. Isn't it sad.
| 6 Years ago |
 | Auru |
I mean same ;> and propaganda messages you say? Is there an
example you can give me? :v
| 6 Years ago |
 | Auru |
Things can change y'know ;3 owo And umm, what's that supposed to
mean? Who would I even spend around 2k dp on anyways? :v Hope you
aren't hinting at something. ewe
| 6 Years ago |
 | Auru |
Okay, maybe I didn't really mean that waste part. :'o That is true
but now I'm below 5k thanks to you. U,w,U
| 6 Years ago |
 | Auru |
*Isn't quite sure what to say to that because I'm an awkward
mess* uwu Anyways, stop making me waste my dp on you >:y
| 6 Years ago |
 | Auru |
You're an illusion uwu
| 6 Years ago |
 | Auru |
That makes me think you know who I'm referring to then, huh? °w°
| 6 Years ago |
 | Auru |
I see you've made friends with a certain friend of mine owo
| 6 Years ago |
 | Auru |
Psst owo
| 6 Years ago |
 | Lighty |
Sooo, the night is over. I wonder if you behaved like a reasonable
person as you said you would try to do. Wouldn't it be too easy to
put all your blame on me if you didn't tho? That'd be a lot of
responsibility I bet.
| 6 Years ago |
 | Waltz |
vice city piroshki
| 6 Years ago |
 | Lighty |
What an unexpected honor, the potential people-cooking open minded
deep thinking spikey furball after all added me. Now I can sleep in
peace, since it’s night and no time for Lightys to be up. At least
not today. Don’t do anything I wouldn’t while I’m not watching owo
| 6 Years ago |
 | arkidog |
Cure the poverty
| 6 Years ago |
 | Lighty |
Natural selection, good one. There are so many different kinds of
people, I enjoy the variety. But of course I do have preferences.
Let’s see if my phone will try to eat your name. Maybe it’s good
fried or wrapped in something. I could use sauce too. But that’d
distort the original taste. Which could be good, or bad I guess.
| 6 Years ago |
 | Waltz |
all hail the king
| 6 Years ago |
 | Waltz |
| 6 Years ago |
 | Waltz |
| 6 Years ago |
 | Waltz |
| 6 Years ago |
 | Waltz |
| 6 Years ago |
 | Lighty |
And if you think you're hungry for words, look at me who sent the
last plushie first without putting your name in so all the nice
text was lost and I had to type it again from memory. Maybe it
sounded better before. Poor perfectionist me.
| 6 Years ago |
 | Lighty |
Since I generally give everything and everyone more than one glance
and take my time to pin them down, I'll never just assume something
and stick with that all the time. So I very much appreciate your
way of thinking. If I'll ever wonder about something, I'll just
ask. I like it direct, but yeah, I also enjoy some friendly joking.
Jokes aside this time ;3
| 6 Years ago |
 | Lighty |
If you see it like that, there's just the question who's the one at
fault, the person who is basically begging to show everything he is
and does or the one just naturally being observant. And
disappointment always comes with expectations. But to don't have
any makes people miserable. Well well, isn't life great.
| 6 Years ago |
 | Lighty |
Who said I'd want to keep a second or third (obviously
Bulbasaur-third eye x'D) or god knows how many eyes on e v e r y t
h i n g. I certainly won't want to see every little thing you do.
I'm quite sensitive. I hope that isn't a disappointment now :/
| 6 Years ago |
 | Lighty |
I'll add you to keep an eye on your zapping behavior. Someone needs
to do that.
| 6 Years ago |
 | Lighty |
Well, I've got an ear piercing recently so, I guess I can handle
it. I appreciate that you wouldn't want to cause any pain tho
| 6 Years ago |
 | Lighty |
As long as I don't wake up with my face covered in sharp needles :v
| 6 Years ago |
 | Lighty |
You're being difficult you know.
| 6 Years ago |
 | Lighty |
How promising :'D I'll silently drop this plushie in a
non-offending way here
| 6 Years ago |
 | Lighty |
How cute, a threat, and it's not even afternoon, this is going to
be a lovely day.
| 6 Years ago |