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Adopt your own Pokémon-Egg!
No item

Level: 20
EXP: 54 /998

Health Points 55
Attack 43
Defense 30
Sp. Attack 33
Sp. Defense 29
Speed 31
Pokédex No. #404
Rarity Easy
Nature Bashful
Trainer Pixer
Origin. Trainer Pixer
Breeder Pixer
Obtained 4 Hours and 25 Minutes ago
Bred in the Daycare
Family Tree
Hatched 3 Hours and 37 Minutes ago


Luxio wants to train with you a bit!


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misosouq, ~razpberry, ateane, BlueberryPiemon, Pokomoninhumandisguise, WolfGold, Unseen05, Tlilkuautli, WalkingOnSunshine, Chilenka, Pokemonred, BrowsLey, DGWHenrietta, PinkCat222, Bambiii, KimChayVegasPete, BrookeOak, Betoz, Ivanthedragon, Wichtel, thebestgirl, BloatedBulbasaur, ARzyn, shrijit, raiz, sigil, loketoke, WisteriaAria, Bokuto, Sorasdra2simp, Pixer, Kimie, Rose_The_Wolf, snowybliss, BarnacleBoy, Potinaplant, Verenka, PokeyPlayer, franktheturtle, AmeliaHamAndEggs, Raspay, EpicFailure, Boots, siqko, Ilona, -nationaldex-, Shinekiara, PainFree, Nadgobus, Purgatory, EeveeLover, OceanTotodile, Giltine13, Eto_Yoshimura, B0MBus, Liana10, CommanderSolar, CartoonAnimalGamer, Nobutsunas, Castalia.