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Adopt your own Pokémon-Egg!
No item

Level: 2
EXP: 3 /24

Health Points 13
Attack 7
Defense 7
Sp. Attack 7
Sp. Defense 7
Speed 6
Pokédex No. #147
Rarity Special
Nature Relaxed
Trainer MysteryGourmet
Origin. Trainer MysteryGourmet
Breeder MysteryGourmet
Obtained 23 Hours and 13 Minutes ago
Bred in the Daycare
Family Tree
Hatched 2 Hours and 43 Minutes ago


Dratini wants to train with you a bit!


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Raikage~, Jaquscaliber, Ashe012, mysteryX, Rulamantic, JoshGord, Akira1, WalkingOnSunshine, Thaaya, ShadowXTM, Chilenka, Maguro, KAMATOSE, Aisling, ali5ma, ant21, RoyalGecko, marinaspencer_, steeldragon20, Riako, Tailmon, Angel2024, Ilse, Raiogen, Espy2015, kurtdotkelly, Froakiemander, Tobio_Chan, bohemianpatsody, pepper654, HarpyScale, Betoz, Camikuh, Kloppo, FlufferBuffer, LukeL6213, WisteriaAria, Ravenswing, Halaflora, Daisy-Brown, Kisuke-Urahara, Noriy, Pinkysun, Sorasdra2simp, Ragdoll_1102, Purrloin, Shiny, MysteryGourmet, BarnacleBoy, MidnyHamato, Verenka, Kurumi, Kaede, WenDipper, pipolanta, AmeliaHamAndEggs, ImmaculateSass, Grietine, Lycarnoc, Twixtbuddy, Lugia, EpicFailure, H0ll0wD0ll, NaxRelu, Averythecat98, LeoRia, Go_Gettem_Bon_Bon, DuskThunder, *CrystalWinter*, PietheOwling, Nadgobus, Diplodocus, fakemagican31, Eto_Yoshimura, Blossomia, HariKing8, TedizStalker, JellyMew, Galvadyne, MidnightStrike, Devinbuck20, Sukey233, vintageghost, Cyain.