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Adopt your own Pokémon-Egg!
No item

Level: 1
EXP: 3 /8

Health Points 12
Attack 6
Defense 5
Sp. Attack 6
Sp. Defense 6
Speed 5
Pokédex No. #108
Rarity Event
Nature Gentle
Trainer PenguinPowerful
Origin. Trainer PenguinPowerful
Breeder PenguinPowerful
Obtained 28 Days and 17 Hours ago
Bred in the Daycare
Family Tree
Hatched 7 Hours and 21 Minutes ago


Derpatung wants to train with you a bit!


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Received interactions today (44)

Rulamantic, WalkingOnSunshine, ImperialHound, Orca~, ant21, RoyalGecko, Fionna, marinaspencer_, steeldragon20, Calcarius, FlufferBuffer, monca2014, nikili96, Oni2010, MeipandaQueen, WisteriaAria, Kisuke-Urahara, Pinkysun, Rose_The_Wolf, ~Gengar~, MachineHymns, BarnacleBoy, MidnyHamato, User94301450, WenDipper, Twixtbuddy, tord, AOHAD, PenguinPowerful, Lugia, H0ll0wD0ll, NaxRelu, LunaShadow, DuskThunder, Hades215, TulipDazzlingGleam, Eeveelution_Masters, Sophos, -carter-, Blossomia, TedizStalker, Lechonkisthebest, Devinbuck20, meggylu5.