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Adopt your own Pokémon-Egg!
No item

Level: 74
EXP: 11,172 /16,651

Health Points 287
Attack 133
Defense 109
Sp. Attack 93
Sp. Defense 158
Speed 53
Pokédex No. #980
Rarity Hard
Nature Brave
Trainer PrisonerOfAlakazam
Origin. Trainer loketoke
Obtained 2 Months and 24 Days ago
Received from the Gem Collector
Family Tree
Hatched 2 Months and 24 Days ago


Clodsire wants to train with you a bit!


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YEET_MASTER0515, SakuraWolf23, Zorrakas, Hikari2, Ashe012, BobbyNohara, JoshGord, PrincessStormfly, WalkingOnSunshine, systemraboot, Another_Wolfie_Cryptid, Rivete, ShadowXTM, K3Nxiii, MindPretzel, Aisling, AProtagonistChicken, rainiedaydreams, pokemondark10, Mafia, Coran1020, Yamiduo, Kochengsaur, Neva, pokemonblack, HeartStarryNights, KoayZQ, Umbreonpanda, bohemianpatsody, Enforcer, absoul_74, Calcarius, Betoz, MoonlitZorua, Xiao, Gold117, Kloppo, VarsityRisneX, Cherry_Blossom, Himari, FlufferBuffer, quilavant, Squeeeeep, fangirl383, iceyrose, Halaflora, Pinkysun, kkkkkk7474kk, Kimie, Rose_The_Wolf, Purrloin, HimitSuS, Crysticia, mazurka, rexXie, Libbey, $hubh, BarnacleBoy, Rabdom, Verenka, paintboy, Spaghetticat, CelestialStitch, angieco, BlackDahlia, AOHAD, Graves, emiyu, Go_Gettem_Bon_Bon, Rinne, DerEngelDerNacht, Hades215, CaptainParisStarr, Purgatory, Espevahr, heroofashesnot, ShatteredDiamond, Virat52, Shiro-kun, Yanpro, Galvadyne, Devinbuck20, vintageghost, Cyain, HostilePeach, meggylu5.