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Let's hatch it!

Adopt your own Pokémon-Egg!
No item

EHP: 4,900 /5,355

Rarity Easy
Trainer _gim_
Origin. Trainer _gim_
Breeder Professor Rowan
Obtained 2 Hours and 30 Minutes ago
Adopted from the Lab

Warm the egg

The shell of this egg is very cold. Do you want to warm it?

Received interactions today (31)

I_Love_PACHIRISU, WalkingOnSunshine, Yxoul, unknown_kumi, Lemeyx, Bambiii, SengarBlade, Zamasu, The_Legend15, BloatedBulbasaur, Solo~Leveling, loketoke, patrickreyes, WyvernDaemon, Iggystar, Kademcbade, Kimie, loppbunneary, Shiny, BarnacleBoy, destroyer0331, HlyFghtr, EpicFailure, Rapmon, Jorunna, Darenia, NapTime, devilexe, HyperBeam, Calysto, Castalia.