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Adopt your own Pokémon-Egg!
No item

Level: 31
EXP: 762 /2,977

Health Points 80
Attack 43
Defense 40
Sp. Attack 51
Sp. Defense 40
Speed 51
Pokédex No. #54
Rarity Medium
Nature Naive
Trainer Silkymimkyu
Origin. Trainer Silkymimkyu
Breeder Professor Rowan
Obtained 2 Days and 8 Hours ago
Adopted from the Lab
Family Tree
Hatched 1 Day and 16 Hours ago


Psyduck wants to train with you a bit!


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Jaquscaliber, Elementalcrystals, CeNedra, pokemonxyz, Ashe012, Lady_Oshawott, WalkingOnSunshine, Rkainjel, -ShiningRayquaza-, Thaaya, ShadowXTM, KAMATOSE, Aisling, Luffy~, Mad_Lad_Godzilla, ImperialHound, pokemondark10, cloverangel, RoyalGecko, Fionna, Moonlight-Haven, shwc1994, marinaspencer_, steeldragon20, paivansade, LuckyKalsana, Angel2024, thuthu, blueditto, Neva, ~Hummus~, Bambiii, Tobio_Chan, Al4te, bohemianpatsody, malceptorfreak2, Nefalanis, HarpyScale, BrookeOak, Calcarius, shiningblaze, -Alakazam-, Xiao, LunaJay, enulaia, monca2014, nikili96, ARzyn, shrijit, MeipandaQueen, Marzipanalia, loketoke, WisteriaAria, Defronix, Kisuke-Urahara, Cheesy, GlaceonRalts, Guro, sparkyluxray, Kimie, Rose_The_Wolf, OwlsLover2030, gloomurai, ShadowWolf18, VeniceGuy, holdurbutts, Shiny, $hubh, snowybliss, BarnacleBoy, MidnyHamato, ponson, User94301450, Lycored, WenDipper, AmeliaHamAndEggs, Aleu, MythicOracle, AOHAD, Raspay, EpicFailure, haisyhdaisyh, Meow_Arche, MWERZU, LunaShadow, Ilona, Urinus, Dragonlover, Frostbite, Tsiaj, Nadgobus, Purpleeda, Eeveelution_Masters, Night7896, Sophos, Zarbes, -carter-, Eto_Yoshimura, Blossomia, Gizmomonkey, Crystabal, HariKing8, Lechonkisthebest, HyperBeam, vintageghost, Arrow000, meggylu5.