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Adopt your own Pokémon-Egg!
No item

Level: 79
EXP: 8,859 /18,961

Health Points 224
Attack 121
Defense 133
Sp. Attack 183
Sp. Defense 131
Speed 143
Pokédex No. #421
Rarity Hard
Nature Quiet
Trainer NovelEgret3512
Origin. Trainer MotherNature
Obtained 10 Months and 30 Days ago
Caught on Route 53
Family Tree
Hatched 11 Months and 8 Days ago


Cherrim wants to train with you a bit!


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Received interactions today (78)

Night5hade, Iliona, Randomname, Aerae, plasm-kun, pokemonxyz, SavgeBee, Unseen05, WalkingOnSunshine, Thaaya, Chilenka, DePhantasia, Quzen, Youyou67190, Yxoul, cloverangel, Orca~, ant21, momalia, Keatah, Lemeyx, Jadestar, Tigerli1y, DGWHenrietta, Sigmaligma123, Amuu, Mycorrhiza, Csoxi, Enforcer, absoul_74, Calcarius, Betoz, Kloppo, Killik, Solo~Leveling, quilavant, Redrose199, loketoke, iceyrose, WisteriaAria, MatviBritannia, Iggystar, Jinglejester, Sorasdra2simp, Chimy9, ch1pz, Kimie, Meowster, 4bsurd4narchist, Libbey, BarnacleBoy, Rabdom, Psique, Verenka, paintboy, HlyFghtr, Rice, NaxRelu, MWERZU, Blazie, Jorunna, Dragonlover, Cuap, Shinekiara, Nadgobus, Purgatory, Randolph4811, *Snowflake*, LaurelTheBidoof, SensGirl25, Crystabal, TedizStalker, NovelEgret3512, HyperBeam, Galvadyne, GOTO, Beachy72, ShiroTempest.