21 eggs hatched and still no shiny,eggs from the daycare have been
really slow and got my second event egg from this event,slowly
waiting for emera's beauty padgent on the 14th
.:the frozen ice is cold,you feel a shiver down your spine:.
39 eggs hatched and just about to get my 40th to increase my shiny
chances,i managed to get a art of defence out of a mystery box last
night,put that up for trade for some nuggets,gotta wait though
.:the frozen ice is cold,you feel a shiver down your spine:.
85 eggs hatched still no sign,i have a thunderstone currently now,i
haven't been online as often now only just to get eggs and keep
them up for hatching,i need to put some up for auction now,eggs
have been producing smoothly as of now
.:the frozen ice is cold,you feel a shiver down your spine:.