"Probably not healthy, but I've been surviving off of an
unclassified, glow-ey substance, soo..." Cass said, looking up at
the stars again. They seemed to be looking for something.
she wants to dance like uma thurman /
bury me till i confess
"I'm not really used to weapons. I used to have this big, awesome
wooden staff, but...heh, that's a long story on why I don't have it
anymore. Although...I don't mind breaking my aunt's rules..." Cass
mumbled. If it'll even work, the staff is pretty big...I usually
only just use the spell on my journal...
she wants to dance like uma thurman /
bury me till i confess
"...thanks." ...why is he...helping me? Cass just waited, a
little impatiently. ...or is this some sort of manipulative
thing..? Now, Cass wasn't actually an idiot. They didn't trust
Kendo too much, but acting like a bratty idiot was all part of
their grand plan which I will not reveal.
she wants to dance like uma thurman /
bury me till i confess
He tossed the items into the air, whistling cheerfully. The items
glowed gold, and within seconds, the items had combined into a
staff. He handed it to Cass.
Cass watched, and then took the staff, briskly looking it over.
"Thank you." He's been actually nice to me...now I feel like I
owe him a favor of some kind.
she wants to dance like uma thurman /
bury me till i confess
"So, That staff reduces the amount of
strain casting spells has on your body, so you can cast more
spells, for far longer! And, if needed, of course, you can use it
as a mid-ranged weapon and just whack people with it!"
He grinned.
"It's one of my better works. I'm no
blacksmith, but it's a fine weapon."
"It's amazing!" They said, waving it around some and being
careful not to set anything on fire, might I add. a witch with a
new staff can be kinda dangerous... and attempting to strike
one of those childish poses that is trying to look 'cool'. Because
they are a child.
she wants to dance like uma thurman /
bury me till i confess
Somewhere in the distance the dragons were sleeping. Probably not a
good idea to disturb them. If you do you're probably dead.
The Conductor was staying up late(?) coming up with movie plans,
while Diana just slept.
Valerie was practicing her spells in the night, sparks of light and
fire surrounding her.
"And I'm a teenage witch who gets more energy at night, I don't
think I can sleep." But if I was in a weakened state, I would
need sleep...I'll try to explain the whole 'weakened' state
later, it's a bit confusing even to me
she wants to dance like uma thurman /
bury me till i confess