If people just forget about the lag and stop commenting about it in
this forum page about the it and just focus on having fun:D these
events are meant to be fun and not stressful :3
IVE DONE IT !!!!!!!!!!!IVE DONE IT !!!!!!!!!!!IVE DONE IT
!!!!!!!!!!!IVE DONE IT !!!!!!!!!!!IVE DONE IT !!!!!!!!!!!IVE DONE
IT !!!!!!!!!!!IVE DONE IT !!!!!!!!!!!IVE DONE IT !!!!!!!!!!!IVE
DONE IT !!!!!!!!!!!
Just to clarify Riako I never said that you weren't doing anything
to reduce the lag all I'm saying is the overall idea of this SCE
isn't that much different considering there is still a lot of
traffic in the Union Room (which can never be prevented during any
SCE). Also I must admit I know nothing of what it takes to run a
site or make a site run more smoothly, but I do appreciate
everything else on this site that does run smoothly.
All in all great event idea just wish there wasn't lag. I probably
wont try to get the 1,500 but good luck to everyone that enters.
Still 700 to go. Sadly clicklists don't work at all for me...if it
finally loads, it won't count. \\r\\nSo I click open every pokemon
I see in a different tab, then interact and then close the tab.
\\r\\nI won't reach the goal this way, but I hope the clicklist
will work somewhere in the last halfhour or so.\\r\\nAt least I can
say a tried and did't give up^^\\r\\n\\r\\nThanks for lowering the
goal Riako :)
Please send missing Plushies! If nothing is missing or you can't
buy/afford it, send anything you like :-)
Aww, I only just woke up! Lol, if I had known this was gonna happen
I would have set my alarm. Unfortunately I will have no chance as I
have to go to work very soon. Oh well, maybe next time. c:
I actually think this has more lag for me than the original. I
can't deal with 30 clicks per 10 minutes. No way, so I'll just give
up. Good luck to everyone else who hasn't given up...
I feel like the only one who actually enjoyed this SCE. Maybe it
has to do with the fact that I managed to complete it haha.
Getting the interactions was easy once I figured out the best way
to interact when there's lag. I managed to do the whole thing in
between feeding the dogs and eating dinner and still managed to
have an hour to spare. It's actually pretty easy if you knew what
to do.
since the moment the event started i clicked 60 times a minute
while also pressing N while in clicklist .... that way without
laggs i clould have had 1000+ per hour now i still have to do 461
clicks. Is pretty outragous how bad this event went.
If this is a minor lagg how bad was it earliers then ? max 1 click
per hour ??? ... next time when you guys host an event this big
make sure the server can handle the activity it will create -_-'