Scorch nodded and shifted his weight. He looked around the guild
uncertainly. "Er. Yeah I mean Darkrai can't keep me down forever
right?" He said in a slightly nervous tone. "Anyway what are you
two up to?" He asked kindly.
"Hm..." Cloud looks at the board. She took one of the requests,
which was a simple item retrieval mission. She chose a simple
mission because she wasn't much of a fighter, and her partner had
recently disappeared.
Aki nodded kindly. "Don't worry about the others. They're all
special in their own ways. Especially Crona." He shrugged and then
perked up a bit. "We're looking for a job to do! Explorer teams
spend their days training in the guild by doing different jobs that
Pokémon have issued." He grinned.
"I'm trying to pick one that won't get us knocked out." Flair
muttered, continuing to shift through the papers.
"You could come with us if you want." Aki offered.
Scorch looked over his shoulder towards the medical center. I'm
sure Chomp will be fine he thought to himself and nodded. "Sure
I'll go with you" he said kindly, "what kind of mission are you
looking for?"
"Probably an item retrieval one. I'm tired, I don't wanna do
anything too difficult." Flair explained. "You can pick one if you
want, just make sure its not super-duper difficult or anything."
She said cheerfully.
Scorch nodded and went up to the board. He examined the many posts
until one caught his eye. A Caterpie had gone missing in a forest,
and his mom was looking for him. "What about this one?" He asked
and handed the paper to Flair.
[Scorch wakes up in the town and has no recollection of how he got
there to begin with; He meets Chomp, Cloud, Flair, Aki and Spring,
who take him back to the guild after he smacks into a wall and
hurts himself. Flair, Aki and Chomp teach Scorch a little about how
guilds work. Scorch thinks he used to be a human, and Crona thinks
he doesn't belong with them. Spring yells at Crona, Scorch runs off
and gets attacked by Darkrai. He's saved by Spring, but Chomp is
hit by an attack from Darkrai. It's the best day]
"Done." Flair agreed cheerfully, accepting the request. "Okay.
We're looking for a lost Caterpie-- Oh god, I hope it's okay.
Y'know, sometimes Pokémon get stuck in dungeons and get too afraid
to leave." She said sadly. She shook herself. "Anyway! Come on,
let's help find them!"
Scorch nodded and followed Flair and Aki out of the guild. He
looked around Taiyo City, and remembered the fight from the night
before. "I'm sorry I ran out like that last night. If I knew
Darkrai lived around here I would have stayed" he said quietly.
Aki shook his head. "It's fine, don't worry about it. Honestly, we
should have warned you." He said, a bit disappointed that the guild
hadn't mentioned it. "So that's on us. But you're okay, so it
doesn't matter now." He grinned.
"What he said. Plus, you're a friend now. We weren't gonna let you
run out there by yourself." Flair said, pausing to store a few
items away before continuing. She paused again to glance at the
signs. "Uh. Which forest are we going to again?"
"Okay! Flower forest!" Flair said cheerfully. She began to walk
again, turning to look at Scorch. "So other than Crona, how're you
liking the guild? I think Chomp's taken a liking to you." She
"Everyone is pretty nice. Well I don't want to be forcefully
infatuated with Spring again, but yeah she's nice too" Scorch said
kindly. "Chomp is awesome too. Why wasn't he out exploring the
mystery dungeons yesterday with you guys? I mean he was there when
I woke up and looked like he was running a few errands" he asked.
Flair turned around and spotted two Pokémon behind them. She
frowned but didn't say anything, speeding up her pace a bit
"See.." Aki hesitated. "It's nothing to do with Chomp personally.
In order to explore a mystery dungeon, you gotta have a team. At
least, I think. Chomp doesn't have a team right now, so he simply
been running errands for the guild."
"He could probably take on a mystery dungeon on his own, but I
guess you need a team to go in." Flair shrugged. "Aki and I've been
friends for a few years, but we didn't join the guild until a few
months ago. So we've been working together for a while, so it was
easy to just team up. I don't think Chomp is actually really close
to anyone in the guild right now.."
Scorch nodded in response and ran to catch up to the others. He
noticed the two Pokémon as well. "How do I create a mystery team? I
mean if he needs a partner then maybe I can be his teammate. We
already get along somewhat well" he said kindly.
"You'd have to talk to the guildmaster. He's in charge of the
mystery teams. I think Crona is too, but.." Aki trailed off with a
shrug. "I think she scares a lot of us. She's one of the most
intimidating Pokémon in the guild."
"Excuse me?"
"You're not intimidating. Sorry, Flair."
"I'll show you intimidating you little--"
"Look at that! We're here!" Aki said loudly, sprinting away.
Flair sighed and shook her head, trailing after her partner slowly.
"Okay. We're looking for a Caterpie." She turned to Scorch. "Also.
Pokémon are going to attack us in there. If you think you're gonna
faint, tell us. Because if you faint, we'll all be teleported out.
If any of us are weak, we'll break and rest for a bit. Okay?"
Scorch sighed and tipped his head to the side. "Honestly if Crona's
in charge of mystery teams then I don't think she'll let me make
one" he said quietly. "Yeah I'll tell you if I feel like I'm about
to faint don't worry" he said kindly.