“I said okay.” Paisley repeated angrily, moving away from
Drew. “Let me back up, it’s a problem whenever someone’s close to
you!” she sarcastically mentioned.
“Oh my God, you’re really starting to piss me off like— why are you
here?! Just back off and leave me alone!” Paisley shouted,
motioning her hand similar to the way Drew channeled Telekinesis.
With this hand motion, Paisley activated her Telekinesis for the
second time (as Anger is the trigger for the power in this case)
and pushed Drew away telekinetically, not noticing it was her and
turning as she was startled. “Why did you just do that?” she asked
Cole itself was from a distance, far enough to make them hear his
voice. However, he felt something up his leg. When he looked at it,
there was a snake. He screeched. The water face fell off, and an
arm came out of the water boulder, and grabbed the snake, trying to
get it off.
Trinity head realized her hand was shaking. She closed her eyes
trying to calm herself. "If we keep fighting all of us will never
make it." She said to herself quietly.
Cole growled, and then stopped. Atleast it didn't seem to be
poisonus or anything. It was basically like having a necklace, but
super thight and on your leg. He placed the water arm back into the
giant water sphere and stopped.
Paisley groaned and simply rushed back to camp angrily, ignoring
Mason as he greeted her. She levitated up to a tall branch and
leaned against the base of it. Mason watched her as she did so,
deeming her to be unapproachable as she was too upset and annoyed