Oh no! SlenderNina has eaten
your form XxStreamFurxX and noobly_face!
XxStreamFurxX you doubled posted. It's agaisnt the rules
to do so. So this is your first warning. \r\nNoobly_Face, Your
forum was denied for some reason. Speak with the owner.
Sorry for not being on and whatnot. .3. And Abby, I think so. .-. I
will keep that in mind, thanks for the advice. I will take it to
heart. o: Also, Nice sprites everyone! I have been browsing through
and loved every sprite I saw. x3 Spriters be getting better up in
here. ;v;
Username: Kyogre_Pumpkaboo
How long you been spriting? 3 Years
How many sprites you have made? OMG I cant count it :)
Got yourself a shop in PH? Yes
What post you want to see yourself in? I dont understand
Kyogre, the 'What post do you want to see yourself in?' question is
about which position do you want to be. The current positions are:
Owner, Co-Owner, Watcher/Mod, Advertiser and Members. The only one
in the owner position is Mau. The Co-Owner is CLV_H. The Watcher is
Joe. The advertisers are Koin and Leptro. Everyone not listed here
is a normal member in this group.