Here Is Some Thing I Made And Really Like
It Is A Inverted Recolor (That Means I Inverted It Then Recolored
It Then I Inverted It One More Time And This Is What I Got)
And Really I Don't Know Who That Is To Tell The Truth....
Okay, so I made Pheonix Wright and Miles Edgeworth. (I might have
gotten those names wrong.) I made it for KoinDorii. Only she is
allowed to use it unless you ask her.
I just finished one of my two mascots~! He took longer than
expected [four hours to be exact] but I think he turned out
well. Picture for reference.
Now to make the guy in my avatar. @-@ Which is the tougher one of
the two.
Give me a popsicle. Ich bin ein Eis am Stiel.
This is my little baby and her boyfriend.
I'm a Kamen Rider fan and a cosplayer~ Please refer to me as male
if you must and go ahead and call me Ankh, the guy I am using as my
face claim/to represent me and will always be in my
(Yep well I hope I can help here or suggest stuff? Everyone is free
to do whatever they want but I'd like to give tips if possible
Cynda; pretty crazily good sprites lol .3. I seriously should play
Phoenix Wright. I would like to ask if the lines on the middle of
the trousers of both of them are simulating the folding of the
clothing? because in that case I suggest making them lighter,
enough so you can notice them, but not that much to look like if it
was lineart :3
DeadMau; is it Nidorina/rino? o: because of the colours I ask. The
parts you added are nice, but perhaps the ear you see on right
could be a little lower.
sugarbunny; wow, that is pretty awesome truly. I'd only suggest
slightly darker shading on boots/more shading, but the rest looks
pretty awesome and loyal to reality o:
Dragon queen, well yep it's not a sprite, are you planning to make
it sprite? I am curious about the thing of the head o: