Winston managed to get her laid on a bed in the infirmary. "Don't
move. If you squirm to much I may not be able to save your wing.
Just bare with me Bella I promise I'll do my best to help, but I
need you to work with me here." He started to rummage through the
cabinets trying to find things he needed. He found needles, thread,
pain medication, bandages, but he couldn't find the splint. He
grunted in frustration before deciding to make one himself using
clipboards he stripped them of the metal. He quickly got to work he
gently tried to numb the wounded areas. After a few moments he
noticed Jack, and yelled at him. "Jack get out now! If I catch you
one more time causing problems that are not needed I will tell
Grimm and let him deal with you or put you in comatose myself!"
Jake let out a small huff and kept her close. He wanted to be sure
she was all nice and snug too. Just for the moment before they
could end up going on a hunt. Jake may skip on eating things. He
was normally super friendly to animals, but if his hunger gets that
bad, he will hunt something then. Yes, good plan. He stroked Amy's
fur a little and smiled. From that whole pain charade he was in, he
managed to step on his glasses and luckily only crack them. Like
stated before, he could see without them, and this is new; he felt
rather 'naked' without them.
Jack pretended to leave, but hid in the shadows, unnoticed by
everyone, even Winston. He thought of his curse. Maybe, just maybe,
it was a power he could use to help people? The 'nice' voice, Chris
Jack had decided to call it, rose once again. "You can do it Jack!
Instead of being feared and hated, maybe you can be good and do the
right thing!" Jack nodded slowly. He was getting a little tired of
people running from him, so maybe it was time for a change. So Jack
stood in place, waiting for Winston to leave the room.
Amy nuzzled against his neck snuggling close. She was fine staying
like this all day, but she knew she had to eat eventually. But for
the moment it didn't matter she looked Jake over making sure he was
okay, and looking up at him worried if he got hurt. "Are you okay?"
Besides scratching the cave walls and stepping on his glasses, he
can't remember anything else bad that could have happened to
himself besides him almost losing it. He looked back at her and
nodded. To his knowledge, he was just fine. Sometimes, if he were
to get an injury, he wouldn't even notice it until he was back to
being human. Or until he could smell his own blood from a possible
cut. They really should head out and hunt though, so then things
won't be crap tomorrow.
Bella whimpered, looking away. She didn't want to see the
needle-she hated needles. She tried to stop herself from shaking,
closing her eyes tightly. Tears slipped from under the screwed-shut
Hellia sighed as Winston flew off with Bella. She turned on the
other students, and glared. "Back to classes." She hissed, and they
scrambled away. She sighed again, heading back to M.E...
Amy slipped out of Jake's hands, and stood up beside him. "Are you
ready to go? I don't really hunt meat I know some animals who are
old, and are about to die who ask us to put them out of their
misery. That's how me and sammy eat...well how I eat most the
"I'll try to make it quick an painless." He did his best to sow up
each wound, and to align the bone back in her leg as well as her
leg. He bounded them with his makeshift splint along with surgical
tape and gauze after cleaning each wound with peroxide. Winston
gave Bella some pain medicine hoping to relieve her pain. And he
sat with her trying his best to comfort her. "It's okay now I'm
done I won't mess with it anymore I promise."
He looked to Amy and nodded. He was ready to go, but he was having
this internal conflict on if he really should eat something or not.
He would have to get used to this one way or another however. He
knows he wouldn't be allowed to eat other people like what he was
used to, duh but eating animals... Ah, decisions!
Amy walked out of the cave, and kept going walking in the forest.
"I think there is an animal that died already near by.." She said
while she sniffed the ground.
Winston petted her hand, and held it to provide comfort. "It was
one of the students that craves monster flesh. He got out of my
sight while I was stopping a fight. I am terribly sorry for what
happened, But I think your wing will be okay as long as you don't
mess with it."
Jake would end up attacking a student someday once he gets that
hungry he wouldn't be able to stand it. Or even angry and partially
shifting. Man... Just thinking about hurting someone would be
awful, but he can't help it. He sniffed the ground as well and
nodded. There was a scent of a dead animal it seemed, so that was a
good(?) thing. Something for them to eat. Well, for Amy. Normally,
ladies first.
Amy kept walking until she almost stepped on a fallen bear cub. It
seemed to have fell and broke its neck. "Poor thing.." Amy said
looking down at it with her ears laid back. "Kinda feel bad for
wanting to eat it.. You don't have to wait for me either I prefer
to eat together." Amy pawed at the cub to make sure it was
completely dead before she started to eat it.
Bella nodded. "Sorry..." She mumbled, her voice soft. She shifted,
staring at the stitches covering her legs and arm. She sighed
softly, licking her lips. She closed her eyes.
Jake stared at the dead animal and frowned a little. He really
should eat it, but... He just couldn't bring himself to do
something like that. He simply turned his head away and stared at
the ground. He can survive a bit (mentally) without eating for the
night, really. It will end up driving him nuts sooner than you
think, though. He wasn't going to eat animals though. He couldn't.
Confused as to why Bella ran, Lance heared the shriek, and took if
running, but was stopped when his head began to throb. "Not this
again." He hissed, biting his wrist. Continuing, but at a much
slower speed, Lance soon spotted Bella, in the infirmary, with the
M.E. teacher beside her.
Raven sighed. "I feel like I'm going crazy, talking to a wolf for
the first time in years. But how about you? Do you view me as an
enemy for being a vampire?"
Sammy pondered the question in his mind a bit before shaking his
head no. He couldn't see anyone as an enemy until he completely
knew them. He wasn't going to judge someone by their species, and
never has.
Amy stopped, and looked around. "Would you prefer some fruit
instead? I know where some is I think."
Winston chuckled dryly. "You have no reason to be sorry. I doubt
you picked that fight." He got up and grabbed a cup of water. "Do
you need a drink Bella?"
He simply shrugged and looked back at her. Fruit would definitely
occupy him, but he would need to get himself meat sooner of later.
But yes, fruit was a good plan for right now.