Bonezer handed the disks to Victor. "I found them in a box of stuff
Tiger got from Alola. He doesn't have a Type Null so maybe you need
them" he said kindly.
"Yes, we're pretty close to our mission. And what about Palkia?"
Victor asks, as he remembered that they had planned to persuade
Palkia to help them. Though he was not very kindly towards the
legend, they needed all the help they could get.
Tiger nodded and Lillie walked over to Tiger she handed him the
Pearl. "I found this and had to deliver it to you. It should help
you summon Palkia" she said kindly. Tiger nodded, and took the item
he then looked over to Victor "well I have the item, and we have
almost all the plates. Would you like me to go summon Palkia, and
you can collect the last plates?" He asked.
"I think we should go together, first to Palkia then to the Plates,
since Team Voltage seems too set to get them." Victor says,
remembering the previous attacks on him and the Plates. He was
ready to face Palkia, but not to risk the Plates.
Tiger nodded, and looked at the Alolan Marowak once more. "Bonezer
you can come with us. I might need a ghost Pokemon to help if
Palkia attempts to attack" he stated simply. He then left Lapras,
and Chesnaught in the lab to take Riachu, and Bonezer.
Victor considers his team. I need something to counter
Palkia... He says, and calls Professor Oak.
"Hi, Victor! Need a Pokemon?" He asks. As he asks this, he was
immediately bitten by a Gabite. The Gabite wore an everstone
bracelet. (Time to bring in one of Victor's Middle-Stage pseudo
Victor now considers his team- Volt, Flare, Blaze, Torracat,
Type:Null. Shine had gone to stay with Clair since he was tired
hunting for the Plates, and Clair's Dragonair was his close
"Hi Profesor, I need something to er... counter Palkia." He says.
Torterra and Infernape come to the background. The Sinnoh starters
which they had rescued in the beginning of the adventure were now
with Oak, and trained by Infernape and Torterra.
Tiger nodded, and returned Bonezer with a great ball on the table.
He then looked at the Pearl. "We have to be quick. Palkia will be
in Sinnoh for a short time once we summon him."
Tiger looked at Gabite, and walked back outside. He then thought of
the move set for his Pokemon. As he did he called Dusk out, and
climbed onto the charizard. "Ready whenever you are" Tiger said to
Victor, and waited to go.
Tiger nodded, and Dusk took to the sky. Tiger then looked at
Bonezer's pokeball. Bonezer must have been afraid when Elm let
him out...he didn't know many humans other than me, Lion, and
Lillie he thought to himself, and felt bad he wasn't the one to
greet the Pokemon when he appeared in Johto. He then looked at Dusk
who was picking up speed and flying swiftly to Sinnoh.
Flare picks on speed, and Victor looks at Torracat's Pokeball. I
wonder what will he evolve into? How will he look? He thinks,
since when Victor saw Incineroar, he couldn't believe that it was
Torracat's evolution. He thought it to be some random fire/fighting
type who led Litten tribe.
Tiger looked at Dusk. The Pokemon was now breaking through the
barrier for Sinnoh, and towards mount coronet. Tiger then placed
Bonezer's pokeball on his belt and looked at the mountain.