As she runned through hall she heared sobbing from one room
" Hmm ... I think somebody having a bad time . What we need to do
Fluffy ?"
Her plushie dont moved
"Well , We should help .. "
She knocked on doors
" Hey .. Is.. Is erything alright ?"
She falls on ground , that shout was scary and her legs stopped
working for second so she falled on ground ..
"Okay ...But , if you need help you can tell me .. Nice to meet you
.. "
She get up and puts plushie on her shoulder and slowly continues in
her dorm ..
Leli and Oliver were in their classroom. "Do you think we'll be
roommates again?" Leli whispered. Oliver snickered, remembering the
prank that their old friend Mono pulled on them before she moved.
The three had been roommates and friends since...forever, and so
when they had been assigned rooms the previous year, Monofire
naturally decided to prank her friends after Leli and Oliver's
prank years earlier. But they snapped back to attention as a
Volcarona gijinka stood in front of them. "Can I sit near you
guys?" she asked. Leli nodded.
Kotoko liked these people that allowed her to sit by her. She saw
the Liepard Gijinka wink at her. "Hiya, Majesty. I'm Oliver, Oliver
Melinko. And Princess over here, that's Leliana Demione, aka Leli."
The Umbreon Gijinka rolled her eyes, blushing but smiling slightly.
"Don't worry, he flirts with almost every girl. Almost."
Kotoko laughed. She was glad to be relieved of her normally
sarcastic nature. "I'm Kotoko Omanyss. You can call me Kotoko, I