Forum Thread
New Life... (Accepting!)
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Pokémon RP → New Life... (Accepting!)"So...See how Uxie protects the lake...Well...i wonder why he protects it so carefully,what does she have to hide that is so importat?"
"howdy!" the Sunkern says
"uh...hi. I'm kind of busy right now-" Tyr "thats exactly why I'm here! do you wanna know how to get pass this, right?" it asks
"hm...sure." Tyr
"well, you can easily fly over them if you run into those...friendliness pallets!" Sunkern says
"" Tyr dodges them
"...jesus christ how determined. But can you dodge THIS?" Sunkern makes a circle of bullets around Tyr, and the Sunkern turns shadow "HIHIHIHI-" soon to be shot by a pink sphere, and disappear with the bullets
"huh?" Tyr looks at whoever shot it, but it disappeared. The ravine is cleaned
"uh...oh well." there was floating rocks making a bridge