"Hey guys listen to this: After the third Pokéwar groudon and
kyoger's full power were sealed, groudon's one is in red orb and
kyoger's one is in blue orb, They help them primal evolve, and both
of them are kept at Mt. Pyre, If we destroy the blue orb then
kyoger wont be able to access it's primal evolution" mahir said
while reading the book
Opal said,"Yes! I can't let my sister die!"
Harmony said,"What do we do?" Feather used peck on Amy,and the food
came out.
Any glared at the tiny robin pokemon,"You...are so dead for pecking
Tiger shrugged slightly, "well I was going to suggest the hymlack
(spelt it wrong...auto correct work please XD) move, but that works
out to" the boy shrugged simply. He then over heard Mahir and
replied simply "what if Team Aqua already made him go into its
primal evolution" the boy sighed in annoyance. The truth was that
Tiger already saw the Kyogre on TV, and it looked fully primal
Tiger nodded in agreement with Opal, and sighed. He then thought
for a moment "we shouldn't attack yet, what we need to do is scout
out Hoenn, and see how bad it is, and how we can get into Aqua's
base" Tiger replied lowly.
"we will apply for member ship, but we can't just do it when we get
there we will need to investigate Hoenn but i am not sure will my
plan work properly" mahir said with a sigh
Tiger shook his head swiftly, "I don't wants join Team Aqua" the
boy sighed slightly, "maybe we should just have one or two people
join them, grow through their ranks, and if they need to leave the
team in a haste then we'll come by and rescue them" the boy sighed.
He wasn't all for the plan that Mihir came up with for some reason.
Lion looked up from his pokegear and replied lowly, "I got word
from Snow that he does" Lion stated. Tiger then froze "Snow joined
Team Aqua?" The boy asked Lion looked up. "He only joined until
Team Rocket gets back together, though it seems that Giovanni and
Archie are working together" his rival sighed in defeat. Tiger
nodded slightly and sighed as well, "we'll fly to Hoenn first thing
in the morning, for now everyone get some rest, and chat with one
another to get prepared for the trip." Tiger said he then returned
his Pokemon, and grabbed Cyndaquil from the table. The boy then
left the lab for his house.
(Hey Mew, I'm thinking of making Snow a good guy in this roleplay
XD, and neither did I)