(Ok, you can control that Cyndaquil though my Cyndaquil is still
being used by me. When you use yours I'll be using the nickname
Cynda for my Cyndaquil)
Tiger sighed and nodded slightly, he then walked to the kitchen,
and grabbed a few things used to make sandwiches. The professor
then walked into the room the others were, followed by Lion.
Tiger and his Cyndaquil walked back into the main room, he placed
the food on the table. "So you chose Cyndaquil?" Lion asked Miguel,
and looked at the fire Pokemon.
Mika takes four Pokeballs out her bag. "These are my Pokemon.." She
says and throws them in the air, An Oshawott, Chespin, Chikorita
and Pikachu came out. "Meet Aqua, Amy, Leafi and Kiki!"
Amy sees the food on the table. She runs up to it and grabbed the
sandwiches and begins to eat them.
Opal throws four pokeballs. And an Amaura,Fletchling,Skiddo,and a
Larvesta appears.
"Here is Aura,Feather,Harmony,and Daylight."
Lion nodded and looked at the Pokemon, "well if I let all my
Pokemon out, they might take this room and make it feel stalled,
but I do have this one" Lion stated and let a Blastoise out of its
pokeball. Tiger looked at the others and grabbed two more poke
balls, "you already met Charizard, Dragonite, Jolt, and my pal
Cynda here. Though I do have these two" he said and let his other
two Pokemon out, one was a Chesnaught and the other was a Lapras.
Tiger nodded, he then dug through his bag and pulled out a small
basket with pokepuffs in it. "My cousin sent me some not to long
ago" he replied and placed the puffs on the table.
Daylight whispered to Harmony,"Hope the trainer has Citrus
Opal said"Daylight only likes the city's pokepuff,Harmony doesn't
mind what type,Feather likes likes mocha and Aura likes the pink
(New rule, if you only one page please read what you missed. Sorry
if that was rude. Anyway nothing new, they just got to the lab)
Tiger nodded, and went over to Lion "so any clues on what may have
happened near the ocean?" Tiger asked Lion looked up and shook his
head "all there is is black clouds, that even my Ninetales' drought
can't cut, so I put Ninetales back, and got Blastoise back. There
isn't really anything we can do to fix the rainy weather, and it
might be dangerous to surf to Hoenn" Lion reported.
Opal said,"Sorry if my pokemon are being too picky.'
Amy grabbed another sandwhich,while she was eating she coughed.
Opal said,"Guys,she's choking!" She patted her sister in the back
over an over and said,"Anything?"