Yeah I want my charizard breathing fire my sceptile as usual being
very serious like in the anime and my Raquaza charging a hyper beam
in its mouth and my pickachu will be in an emotion like it is
jumping and doing like yaay when someone has won something c:
xman refer to the first post and go to the "Options for Pokebattles
and Conquest Avatars" sectrion at the bottom is a list of pokemon
that goes with the avatar
(for conquest avatars )
character:The girl with brown hair and purple clothe (The thirth in
thirt line)
pokemon (up to 4 only):Dewott,Servine and Pignite
Wow that looks amazing but could you put Drifblim in the top left
corner and put Weavile in Drifblim's spot please? And also can you
change the guy to the 3rd one on the 2nd row.