"correct joe said as he gets up and is given a paper of things to
check on and fix"excuse me as i go around the town and check on
things and fix anything "He walks out.
Later, at the cave, Dodger, Cyan, and Joe arrives at the cave,
while both Dodger and Cyan took a step ahead entering the cave.
Although nothing yet about any reaction, not surprising or not
please from the excavation team themselves.
Dodger: *Also in amazement* I don't know, but look! *Points at a
group of green crystals*
Cyan: Hey, that looks like the crystal shards in Shard Grass Zone,
except their in a cave. *Stating the obvious, he can't resist what
the crystals are and why are there here*
joe walks up to the crystals saying" they are a power crystal we
used to have a yellow one that made rings for sonic to power
himself up back when robotnik was in full control of mobius and the
gang was in knothole"
Dodger: *Catches* Okay. *Aims at the skeletal hand* Better shake
your bones! *Zaps it*
The bone starts to die off in movement. for a moment, Dodger was
willing to also stab it with the spear, but once she got close the
skeletal hand isn't moving. In relief, Dodger returns the spear to
Joe and laughs it off.
Dodger: Another close one, wasn't it? *Laughs in a somewhat nervous
way* *Turn towards the hand*
joe says"if you want you can look at it cyan" as he went down the
cave to go to the town to check on the powe rand defenses there"i
will be back later to check on this"
Dodger: That skeleton was alive, I'm was just freaked out on
something harmless, didn't I?
Cyan: I don't know, Dodger. It could've been worst. The way I see
it here is simply in the chest bone. Theirs this black solid,
rock-like stone in not only in his what was his heart, but also his
lungs appear to taken a lot abuse. *Looks at the lungs* What was
this guy breathing in?
Dodger: Toxic smug?
Cyan: Can't be. If so, then what kind of toxic turn a person's
lungs into charcoal-like stone?
As they investigate the skeleton, the skeleton itself moves the
smallest bits of movement.