lets go get ready to fight we got to the yard we saw the gardevoir
getting tourtured the skuntank kept sprayong her so i jumped in her
and she stop and i used scratch and jumped up out of there
People say i'm Crazy,That's because I am
selling a male mega pwered ratls for 225000pd
tracy waas playing near the pond and saw something and looked
down"oh hi mo-" tracy was ice beamed by a wild milotic he never
knew they lived in the lake cause he never goes down there fennekin
panicked and tried to explain what happen but she diden't speak
People say i'm Crazy,That's because I am
selling a male mega pwered ratls for 225000pd
when Tracy came to he was scared half to death thinking sera did
this to him but remembered she wouldent but later Tracy was cutting
trees for wood and it was weird cause it was quiet
People say i'm Crazy,That's because I am
selling a male mega pwered ratls for 225000pd
"Tracy, if that ever happens again, have Fennekin use ember, but
gently. Remember, she is both a pet and a friend. And you both need
to look after each other," Sera told him
uj yea thanks fenney c'mon oven here! for 2 hours of peace and
quieti got 3 carvings done but the i looked behind me and there she
was rigth at the door but i wasent paying atention and thought it
was sera for a second and realize she had her rump through the
doggy door we hve for our pokemon and i knew it was to late nothing
could stop her not even sera
People say i'm Crazy,That's because I am
selling a male mega pwered ratls for 225000pd
i rudhesd into the kitchen with aantidote knowing i would get
posion from the toxic air but i used it and rushed with another for
fennekin witch was sneak attacked and for the rest of the day we
stayed outside and i diden't saything about getting posioned
because that was my last antidote
People say i'm Crazy,That's because I am
selling a male mega pwered ratls for 225000pd
Sera put a hand on Tracy's forehead. "You feel too hot. Take this,"
she gave him a full restore hoping it would take care of whatever
status was effecting him. It worked and he was better
ok i have a good idea i have to call a guy but for a good reason 6
HOURS LATER: done! now we have a tunnel all the way from the city
to here isnt it cool sera?
People say i'm Crazy,That's because I am
selling a male mega pwered ratls for 225000pd