(Maybe later, the owner isnt online)
Glaceon stood on the rock and practiced claw swipes from all
different angles and using her ice and water moves. (Omg Xhi's
(It's AOT XD)
"I felt worse to be honest," Hikage rolled her neck and rubbed her
head trying to cover the injury. "He also did a number with Aura
Sphere and Close Combat- so I couldn't keep up with him."
"Huh... What did you do to make him that mad anyway?" Yuki sighed
as she stands next to her. "Anyway, I have some Potions if you need
it, and since we technically got kicked out from the Dojo, any of
you know any good place to train?" she look at the two of them.
"I fell into his domain," Hikage blushed a bit as she explainrd, in
embarrassment. "He was meditating and apparently I disrupted his
peace." She couldn't think of any other place to go since she's not
native to the area.
"Well then, let's just go there, I guess..." she shrugged. "Oh, and
Hikage, please do try not to get into anyone else's bad side again
okay?" she winked.
Vapor was already walking towards the river. It broke off into two
tributaries at the end, and Vapor walked along the bank of one of
them. After 10 minutes of walking, she was at a nice feild. The
grass was obviously uncut, but not loo long. The dirt wasnt
comepletely dry, but it was hard. A small cave and a pile of rocks
sat about 20 feet away.
"Not MY fault people have anger issues!" She stared at the
dojo for a very long time. The Lucario tossed an aura sphere in
Hikage flinched as she started following Yuki and started glaring
at the dojo, growling, "Glare....."
"Ey, don't taunt him again please. I don't think I can handle
another fight here, again" Yuki sighed as she steered the Deino
away. "Anyway, let's go and catch up with Vapor before she left
us.... And I wonder where the others went to?" she mumbled.
Vapor dived into the river, and only a ripple in the water revealed
where she hid. She dove effortlessly through the stream into a hole
between two rocks. As she slipped into the underwater darkness, she
opened her eyes under the water. She had eyes like a cat's, they
reflected light and seemed to glow in the dark. In her hidden cave,
she thought and waited.
Species of Pokemon:Shiny zorark.
Appearance:A shiny zorark with a strip-on bag on her.
Good/Evil:Good, though sometimes she sounds cruel.
Other:She has high speed and can hide in the shadows easily.She
also can become other pokemon to protect herself, change her:Level
and moveset.
Yuki finally arrived on the field that (probably) Vapor said.
Sadly, she didn't see Vapor. "Aw man, now we're lost! Where did
Vapor go?!" she screamed as she look around the field, seeing
Hikage pointed at the water while staring at Yuki. "Don't tell me
you didn't know a Vaporeon-Glaceon cross breed couldn't do that?"
She seemed to have a small glare in her right eye which was hard to
see do to her fur over her eyes.
"I might, or might not know that" she said, shrugging. "Anyway, she
didn't say that said field was supposed to be underwater or
something like that" she almost screamed but managed to not do so,
as her arms flailed around her desperately.
"I think there's another way across," Hikage explained. She looked
around for a tunnel underground to the field. "Besides it can't
just be water types alone."
Vapor came out of the river dripping wet. She hopped up onto a
rock. The rock was in the middle of the stream, half submerged. It
was a stepping stone to get across, and there were 2 more.
Hikage noticed the rocks then hopped over to it, she slipped a bit
and easily caught her stance after awhile. "Little slippery from
the tides. I'd hold my grounds if I were you, Yuki." She looked at
the other rocks and leaped across landing on a hard rocky surface.
"OOF!" The Dieno crawled up shaking her head. Dirt fell off as she
looked at the others, "Well? What are you guys standing around
"Ok, here it is. Lets train." Vapor said and lept out if the water,
onto the nice dry feild. The grass was pale green And the sun
beamed down on them hard and hot.
"How are you not affected by this weather?" She looked at Vapor.
Hikage seemed as though she was about to faint of dehydration.
"What's the temperature out here anyway? It feels like a
Charmander's tail flame!"