Tricky looks at Raika "Partly because you made this place scarey
and mainly because ...... well........................ SKY DELETED
ME FROM HER MEMORY!!!!!!!!!!".
"I can understand her..." Amy turns on, Sky's voice recorder.
I am just going to chill and leave you forever. i dont need
you.Then i wont relax and i will rip you all part by part!!!I wont
let a weak link like you be any thing like a sister!!!!!!
"Sky tried anything, to stay... but you made her leave..." Raika
stands up and leaves too.
Sky frees from Blast and walks again. "Stop express your fake love
on my body."
My feign ran out. Now it's time to
reappear, after more than two years. Hope I retained my
Tricky looks shocked "I said that?!?! i cant remember any thing
past me hitting a whale. the thing i remember when i woke up was
seeing a fox thing fixing me" Tricky sits down and crys.
"Still... thanks to you, Sky won't express any feelings anymore.
Maybe this cheers you up." Amy shows the name of the facility to
her: Tricky Laboratories
My feign ran out. Now it's time to
reappear, after more than two years. Hope I retained my
Tricky looks at amy and then starts to glow and turns purely
Sonic-Like emolga "I just cant. I am not smart. i cant even brake a
hack on my own!" Tricky feels softer then normal because she is now