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[L] JustMe's Weekly Raffle - FINISHED
Forum-Index → Contests → User-made contests → [L] JustMe's Weekly Raffle - FINISHED Show
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Help me with my hunt!(Updates often)
Thanks to everyone who helped me on my previous hunts!
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Help me with my hunt!(Updates often)
Thanks to everyone who helped me on my previous hunts!
Gems I Am Entering: 21 Fire, 60 Ice, and 13 Flying
Other: Treasury
Gems I Am Entering: 18 Flying gems and 2 Fire gems
Other: Stockpile~
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Help me with my hunt!(Updates often)
Thanks to everyone who helped me on my previous hunts!
Week Six Results
Each person was given a series of numbers according to the number of tickets they bought, and the order of their first post:
Rini00 -> 27 tickets -> #1 - #27
vanillite1 -> 8 tickets -> #28 - #35
Zorged -> 13 tickets -> #36 - #48
Viper -> 10 tickets -> #49 - #58
Cut3gummy4life -> 5 tickets -> #59 - #64
OrangeOtaku -> 3 tickets -> #64 - #66
monkeygirl50 -> 5 tickets -> #67 - #71
SandeviRae -> 30 tickets -> #72 - #101
A total of 101 tickets were bought, so a random number between 1 and 101 was generated:
This means that this weeks winner is...
Congratulations, you will find your prize in the gts on a Nidorino.
All tickets have now been reset, and the seventh raffle is now open.