Username: Wellslee
Number: 13
What I'm donating for the raffle(optional): I'm sorry, I don't have
anything good.
Why is the raffle held in a dilapidated house?
@Everyone who has not edited the password out,please do it now as I
do NOT want anybody to get a chance to need the raffle just by
checking other people's posts, which I know has been done, so do
not deny it.
@Wellslee:Accepted, and Palpad me about this.We can talk your
'anything good' over together..Oh, and edit the password out as
soon as you can.
Username: MiniMytch Number: 16 What I'm donating for the raffle (optional): 500 PD (Not
sure if that's good enough but I don't have much) Why is the raffle held in a dilapidated house? Because
dilapidated houses are festive
@ Pokelator: For the love of Vesta, did you edit the form yourself?
Under no circumstances are you to edit it or put the information
inside the BBCodes. If you can't donate anything, just say you
can't. I cannot accept this form.
@hasilisah: Rejected, just because the donation sections says
optional, doesn't mean you can edit it out of your form. You must
post the whole form if you want to enter the raffle. If this keeps
on going on, I may have to implement a warning and banning system
in this raffle, and I'm serious. Christmas is a more than a month
away, so I'm sure you have plenty of time to get the form
And before anyone starts harping on about this donation, have you
ever heard of the phrase 'It's better to give than to receive'? It
comes from the Bible, the Christian's holy book. I strongly suggest
you rethink the donations you're giving, since I'm using the PD to
breed Pokemon for you, which is why the main source of donations I
prefer is money.
Oh, and I'm removing the Star Piece from the prizes that can be
won, but I'm adding another Mystery Key to make up for it.
Username:Star_Savior_Dragon Number: 15 What I'm donating for the raffle (optional): 1,000 Why is the raffle held in a dilapidated house? Because I
heard you liek Mudkipz
Donating:nothing sorry
Why is the raffle held in a dilapidated house?:"Trust and faith,"
she explains. "I (Eve) wanted to make sure those who enter are pure
of heart
@tatelo1: Next time, don't just copy and paste what other people
say. It is already quite obvious. Also, it's nice to know you
actually read what I said about editing your post, even if you took
a long time to do it. Accepted, and edit the password out as
soon as you can.