Forum Thread
Trick or Treat
Forum-Index → News → Trick or TreatAnyways, the Griseous Orb should now be visible in the Item Bags. It won't have use before Halloween, though, so... it's no big deal wheter it's shown or not ;)
And sorry for the trick or treat-bug - I fixed that.
And lastly, apparently there was some "Lag" right after the Event started:
This is because of the huge amount of activity during this time (which was expectable for the Pika Pika Event, but not necessarily for this one lol). There is nothing really I can do for it. I can't just type fixLag(); and it's gone lol.
Well in fact I am doing very much improvements (both hardware and software) from time to time and for everyone who is whining about that I don't do anything: I've checked some statistics and found out that the page was lagging about 3-4 months ago (during a Speed Click) when you made 1,000 interactions pro minute.
And now comparing it to the Pika Pika Event: The Lag/Bad Gateway started when you reached 4,000 interactions per minute ;) So definitely an improvement. It's just that the PH population is growing and growing very quickly. Not that I'm not doing anything to improve things.
1 Excluding Harvest Sprites- Do you see Event distribution mentioned anywhere here? No? Than voila! It won't break your chain - it's not that hard to figure that out now is it?
Now back to the topic :D I love love love this event so much :3 I got to level 5 already just with interacting :D And I love the new ponyta event and new hawlucha event :] Cannot wait to get my paws on their eggs <3