1.)once you have posted you may not post again!
2.) please only use the form! (if you have questions put it under
the form! and if you have posted already and have a question feel
free to pm me ^-^
3.) no spamming!
4.) all pokeheroes rules apply!
5.) you have 2 days to post after i have drawn to get your prize if
you do not post the number will be redrawn!
6.) please fill out "what will you do with it if you win".
Leave "password:"Blank
7.) If you are away for the 2 days after the raffle ends you will
be excused if you provide a reason.
just fill this out and i will pick a winner using random.org and
then that post # wins!
What will you do with it if you win?: I will keep it and name it
Princess if girl o:
Username?: ivo200198
Other?: Thank you for doing this raffle cuz you're awesome ouo
Password: Blank
What will you do with it if you win?: Love and care for it and
raise it to a strong Amphardos!
Username?: TemaPup
Other?: Not much to say, other than thank you for offering this
What will you do with it if you win?: Give the
Trevanant a Nickname and keep it together with my beloved Shinys~
.w. Username?: Herbstpoet Other?: Thanks for this raffle! <3 It's so nice that you
give away a Shiny.. .w. Password:
What will you do with it if you win?:i will breeding it (if i like
it )
I will use at my team (if water type)
Username?: greenteapwo
Other?:all i care is raffle is always win win
What will you do with it if you win?: I will train him up for my
battle team, or just keep him as my first shiny. I will name him
Princess Pride.
Username: StreamTheMinccino
Password: Blank
What will you do with it if you win?:I would be really happy to get
my first shiny.\r\nUsername?:Barath2000\r\nOther?:Looking forward
for the result.Thank you for conducting it.\r\nPassword: