hope the link work
the i want i want in L 3
Ok. That will work. But I will have
to do it tomorrow since I am going offline soon @Stream.
I hope this is ok. It is hard to draw an electric blue eevee head
Team Pose
Pokemon: Charizard Raichu Frogadier arceus latios giratina
Trainer: red
Text: Maldives Hero Nabyto
Text Colour: Rainbow
Any extra details: the trainer would be sitting on the
Team Pose
Pokemon: all the eevee evos + eevee ( could u put umbeon at the
front , and make it shiny ? )
Trainer: girl trainer from Pokemon white , with the hat over her
Text: ( my username , ONLY IF U WANT TO PUT IT )
Text Colour: ( blue )
Any extra details: nope ^_^
Thank u :D !!!!! ( if anything is to dificut just ignore it :) )
We discussed in a PM that I couldn't create all the eeveelutions in
egg form and I said would you want them in normal form and you said
yes =.=