"I remember when that 10 year old challenged me to a battle," I
said, "His name was Z, and I had beaten him, even though I was
seven at the time. I think he swore to get stronger, then he
stormed off.
"Wow i totally feel like the anti-hero here" Z said to darkrai "hey
whats wrong with you"
"its about before when the whole thing happened " darkrai responded
"it felt like something sinister was about to come out"
"dont worry about it " z replied "anyways we wont know until
something happens"
Tom and articuno landed on the balcony of his new apartment the
balcony was bigger so it was easy to land then tom jumped off of
articuno and they went inside "i forgot all about shinx and
bayleaf!" He said remembering "Stay here articuno" he ran to the
front door of his apartment and opened it there were shinx and
bayleaf waiting facing the stairs then when they saw him they ran
into the apartment they were carrying groceries "You got food!" Tom
said then checked the bags "Pizza Berries muffins.. pokefood Moomoo
milk and... a box of donuts" He started putting the stuff in the
kitchen freezer and fridge then fed bayleaf articuno and shinx each
a oran berry and a few pieces of pokefood.
First i didn't know what to put in here but then..
Here we go
First of all my goal is to get shiny manaphy and the shiny game
center dogs
I finially got to the house. "Hey Aqua, you can eat pancakes,
right?" I asked. "Yeah, why?" Aqua said. I grinned. "Cuz that's
what I'm making tonight!" I exclaimed. "YEAH!!!" Fin and Blaze
said, hi-fiving each other.
Tom continued watching TV and went to the kitchen for another donut
he got back and sat down on the couch again articuno shinx and
bayleaf didn't move a muscle and just kept watching
First i didn't know what to put in here but then..
Here we go
First of all my goal is to get shiny manaphy and the shiny game
center dogs
Fin and Blaze were drooling as I made the pancakes. Even Aqua was
watching over my head. "Aqua, when you're actually right behind me,
I can see how much bigger you are than me a lot better," I said.
Blaze and Fin burst out laughing. I gave Aqua a grin, and he
started to laugh too. "It feels really good to actually be a twelve
year old!" Aqua exclaimed.
Tom went back into the kitchen and put a cheese pizza into the oven
then he went back into the living room to continue watching
cartoons when he got back shinx was asleep he sat down on the couch
again and started petting shinx's head
First i didn't know what to put in here but then..
Here we go
First of all my goal is to get shiny manaphy and the shiny game
center dogs