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I'm Feeling Lucky

Searching for: Posts from Himari.
Posted: Tue, 28/01/2025 10:42 (29 Days ago)
Hi, LeoRia,

Pokemons I would like to buy: Vileplume, 2 Smoochum, Liepard, Maractus, Heatmor, Swirlix, Hawlucha, Oricorio (Pom-Pom), Jangmo-o, Runerigus, Stonjourner, Dreepy

Others: Female Oricorio (Pom-Pom), Dreepy, and Jangmo-o ; Male Heatmor and Hawlucha

Everstone: only on Smoochum

Payment method: 21k PD + plushies as a tip

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Posted: Tue, 28/01/2025 06:51 (29 Days ago)

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Posted: Mon, 27/01/2025 15:45 (1 Month ago)
Some days I don't interact, but when I do I usually do 3-15k interactions depending on how much free time I have

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Posted: Mon, 27/01/2025 13:14 (1 Month ago)

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Posted: Mon, 27/01/2025 12:09 (1 Month ago)
Posting all my outfits and photos here... when will they add more outfit slots I beg (I say as I use only one outfit for everything)

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Posted: Sun, 26/01/2025 14:21 (1 Month ago)
Hi, LeoRia,

Pokemons I would like to buy: Electabuzz, Jynx, Tangela, Onix, Dunsparce, Smeargle, Delibird, Cacturne, Munna, Audino, Darumaka, Sawsbuck (Autumn), Sawsbuck (Summer), Ferroseed, Spritzee

Others: Female Onix, Spritzee, and Dunsparce ; Male Delibird

Everstone: no need

Payment method: 25k PD + plushies as a tip

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Posted: Sat, 25/01/2025 12:48 (1 Month ago)
Hi, LeoRia,

Pokemons I would like to buy: Cramorant, Coalossal, Drampa, Turtonator, Passimian, Oranguru, Comfey, Mudsdale, Mienfoo, Elgyem

Others: all male except for Turtonator, Mudsdale, Mienfoo, and Comfey

Everstone: no need

Payment method: 15k PD + plushies as a tip

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Posted: Sat, 25/01/2025 12:40 (1 Month ago)
Username: Himari

Pokemon and which box it is from:
Arbok, Indeedee, and female Dewott from Box 1
Parasect, Girafarig, Litleo, Stantler, and male Corsola from Box 3

Payment method: PD

Other: I will tip 5k, and since F Dewott is a rare gender, I will tip another 3k

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Posted: Sat, 25/01/2025 02:55 (1 Month ago)

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Posted: Sat, 25/01/2025 02:20 (1 Month ago)
You'll likely need a burmy/wormadam of the specific forme to get their egg. I can give you a sandy/trash burmy if you want?

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Posted: Fri, 24/01/2025 10:48 (1 Month ago)
It's possible I think??? But not recommended. Event egg rates are already low even with a perfect breeding pair, breeding an event with a non event would lower that rate. For reference, I once tried to breed cuddlithe with growlithe, and it took me to more than chain 200+ growlithe to get only TWO cuddlithe eggs. Maybe I was just unlucky, but after that I'm never breeding an event without a perfect breeding pair

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Posted: Fri, 24/01/2025 04:12 (1 Month ago)
As of the moment, egg dex only affects which pokemon you can hunt in tall grass so no, it doesn't. When I bred a perfect pair of Solar Eevee, I got an event egg after around 10-30 normal eggs

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Posted: Thu, 23/01/2025 15:31 (1 Month ago)
@monca2014 your pokemon have been sent in PT :)

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Posted: Thu, 23/01/2025 05:34 (1 Month ago)


1) Fill up the form below properly. Method is [Level-up / Items], while Specification is [Type / Rarity]
2) You can specify which pokemon you want from my box in [Note/s], especially if your method is [Items] because the items required to evolve the pokemon will not be provided. Please choose pokemon that evolve with the items you have, or check other trade shops for items that you will need to evolve specific pokemon. If you don't put anything in [Note/s], I will randomly choose the pokemon with the Type / Rarity you need.
3) If I do not have enough of the pokemon that you need (Ex: Rare pokemon that evolve via Level-up), you would either have to wait until I do, or ask other users instead
4) If you spot any mistakes in the pokemon listed below, or if you still weren't able to complete the paldea research task, let me know!!

Note: As of the moment, hard and rare pokemon that evolve via level-up only count the first evo for the task (ex: beldum evolving twice would only count as one evo in the task)

Form for Requesting Pokemon
[b]Evolution Method: [/b]
[b]Specification: [/b]
[b]Amount: [/b]
[b]Note/s: [/b]

Pokemon that Evolve via Items
Item Box
Show hidden content
#0025 | Pikachu | Easy | Electric
#0035 | Clefairy | Easy | Fairy
#0039 | Jigglypuff | Easy | Normal | Fairy
#0042 | Golbat | Easy | Poison | Flying
#0172 | Pichu | Easy | Electric
#0173 | Cleffa | Easy | Fairy
#0174 | Igglybuff | Easy | Normal | Fairy
#0298 | Azurill | Easy | Normal | Fairy
#0315 | Roselia | Easy | Grass | Poison
#0406 | Budew | Easy | Grass | Poison
#0527 | Woobat | Easy | Psychic | Flying
#0541 | Swadloon | Easy | Bug | Grass
#0546 | Cottonee | Easy | Grass | Fairy
#0548 | Petilil | Easy | Grass

#0030 | Nidorina | Medium | Poison
#0033 | Nidorino | Medium | Poison
#0044 | Gloom | Medium | Grass | Poison
#0061 | Poliwhirl | Medium | Water
#0120 | Staryu | Medium | Water
#0175 | Togepi | Medium | Fairy
#0176 | Togetic | Medium | Fairy | Flying
#0191 | Sunkern | Medium | Grass
#0271 | Lombre | Medium | Water | Grass
#0274 | Nuzleaf | Medium | Grass | Dark
#0300 | Skitty | Medium | Normal
#0427 | Buneary | Medium | Normal
#0447 | Riolu | Medium | Fighting
#0572 | Minccino | Medium | Normal
#0603 | Eelektrik | Medium | Electric
#0608 | Lampent | Medium | Ghost | Fire
#0670 | Floette (Blue) | Medium | Fairy
#0670 | Floette (Orange) | Medium | Fairy
#0670 | Floette (Red) | Medium | Fairy
#0670 | Floette (White) | Medium | Fairy
#0670 | Floette (Yellow) | Medium | Fairy
#0694 | Helioptile | Medium | Electric | Normal
#0744 | Rockruff | Medium | Rock

#0070 | Weepinbell | Hard | Grass | Poison
#0102 | Exeggcute | Hard | Grass | Psychic
#0198 | Murkrow | Hard | Dark | Flying
#0200 | Misdreavus | Hard | Ghost
#0361 | Snorunt | Hard | Ice
#0433 | Chingling | Hard | Psychic
#0517 | Munna | Hard | Psychic
#0625 | Bisharp | Hard | Dark | Steel
#0680 | Doublade | Hard | Steel | Ghost
#0854 | Sinistea | Hard | Ghost
#0938 | Tadbulb | Hard | Electric

#0037 | Vulpix | Rare | Fire
#0058 | Growlithe | Rare | Fire
#0090 | Shellder | Rare | Water
#0113 | Chansey | Rare | Normal
#0133 | Eevee | Rare | Normal
#0281 | Kirlia | Rare | Psychic | Fairy
#0351 | Castform | Rare | Normal
#0511 | Pansage | Rare | Grass
#0513 | Pansear | Rare | Fire
#0515 | Panpour | Rare | Water
#0974 | Cetoddle | Rare | Ice

Pokemon that Evolve via Level-up
Level-up Box
Show hidden content
#0010 | Caterpie | Easy | Bug
#0011 | Metapod | Easy | Bug
#0013 | Weedle | Easy | Bug | Poison
#0014 | Kakuna | Easy | Bug | Poison
#0016 | Pidgey | Easy | Normal | Flying
#0017 | Pidgeotto | Easy | Normal | Flying
#0019 | Rattata | Easy | Normal
#0041 | Zubat | Easy | Poison | Flying
#0072 | Tentacool | Easy | Water | Poison
#0074 | Geodude | Easy | Rock | Ground
#0077 | Ponyta | Easy | Fire
#0092 | Gastly | Easy | Ghost | Poison
#0109 | Koffing | Easy | Poison
#0118 | Goldeen | Easy | Water
#0129 | Magikarp | Easy | Water
#0161 | Sentret | Easy | Normal
#0163 | Hoothoot | Easy | Normal | Flying
#0183 | Marill | Easy | Water | Fairy
#0261 | Poochyena | Easy | Dark
#0263 | Zigzagoon | Easy | Normal
#0265 | Wurmple | Easy | Bug
#0266 | Silcoon | Easy | Bug
#0268 | Cascoon | Easy | Bug
#0276 | Taillow | Easy | Normal | Flying
#0396 | Starly | Easy | Normal | Flying
#0397 | Staravia | Easy | Normal | Flying
#0399 | Bidoof | Easy | Normal
#0401 | Kricketot | Easy | Bug
#0403 | Shinx | Easy | Electric
#0404 | Luxio | Easy | Electric
#0422 | Shellos (East) | Easy | Water
#0422 | Shellos (West) | Easy | Water
#0504 | Patrat | Easy | Normal
#0506 | Lillipup | Easy | Normal
#0507 | Herdier | Easy | Normal
#0509 | Purrloin | Easy | Dark
#0519 | Pidove | Easy | Normal | Flying
#0520 | Tranquill | Easy | Normal | Flying
#0522 | Blitzle | Easy | Electric
#0535 | Tympole | Easy | Water
#0536 | Palpitoad | Easy | Water | Ground
#0540 | Sewaddle | Easy | Bug | Grass
#0577 | Solosis | Easy | Psychic
#0578 | Duosion | Easy | Psychic
#0582 | Vanillite | Easy | Ice
#0583 | Vanillish | Easy | Ice
#0590 | Foongus | Easy | Grass | Poison
#0661 | Fletchling | Easy | Normal | Flying
#0662 | Fletchinder | Easy | Fire | Flying
#0664 | Scatterbug | Easy | Bug
#0665 | Spewpa | Easy | Bug
#0731 | Pikipek | Easy | Normal | Flying
#0732 | Trumbeak | Easy | Normal | Flying
#0734 | Yungoos | Easy | Normal
#0821 | Rookidee | Easy | Flying
#0822 | Corvisquire | Easy | Flying
#0824 | Blipbug | Easy | Bug
#0825 | Dottler | Easy | Bug | Psychic
#0872 | Snom | Easy | Ice | Bug
#0917 | Tarountula | Easy | Bug

#0021 | Spearow | Medium | Normal | Flying
#0029 | Nidoran (f) | Medium | Poison
#0032 | Nidoran (m) | Medium | Poison
#0043 | Oddish | Medium | Grass | Poison
#0050 | Diglett | Medium | Ground
#0054 | Psyduck | Medium | Water
#0060 | Poliwag | Medium | Water
#0066 | Machop | Medium | Fighting
#0084 | Doduo | Medium | Normal | Flying
#0088 | Grimer | Medium | Poison
#0098 | Krabby | Medium | Water
#0100 | Voltorb | Medium | Electric
#0111 | Rhyhorn | Medium | Ground | Rock
#0165 | Ledyba | Medium | Bug | Flying
#0167 | Spinarak | Medium | Bug | Poison
#0179 | Mareep | Medium | Electric
#0180 | Flaaffy | Medium | Electric
#0187 | Hoppip | Medium | Grass | Flying
#0188 | Skiploom | Medium | Grass | Flying
#0190 | Aipom | Medium | Normal
#0194 | Wooper | Medium | Water | Ground
#0203 | Girafarig | Medium | Normal | Psychic
#0204 | Pineco | Medium | Bug
#0206 | Dunsparce | Medium | Normal
#0209 | Snubbull | Medium | Fairy
#0215 | Sneasel | Medium | Dark | Ice
#0216 | Teddiursa | Medium | Normal
#0218 | Slugma | Medium | Fire
#0223 | Remoraid | Medium | Water
#0231 | Phanpy | Medium | Ground
#0270 | Lotad | Medium | Water | Grass
#0273 | Seedot | Medium | Grass
#0278 | Wingull | Medium | Water | Flying
#0283 | Surskit | Medium | Bug | Water
#0285 | Shroomish | Medium | Grass
#0287 | Slakoth | Medium | Normal
#0288 | Vigoroth | Medium | Normal
#0293 | Whismur | Medium | Normal
#0294 | Loudred | Medium | Normal
#0296 | Makuhita | Medium | Fighting
#0304 | Aron | Medium | Steel | Rock
#0305 | Lairon | Medium | Steel | Rock
#0307 | Meditite | Medium | Fighting | Psychic
#0309 | Electrike | Medium | Electric
#0316 | Gulpin | Medium | Poison
#0318 | Carvanha | Medium | Water | Dark
#0322 | Numel | Medium | Fire | Ground
#0326 | Grumpig | Medium | Psychic
#0328 | Trapinch | Medium | Ground
#0329 | Vibrava | Medium | Ground | Dragon
#0331 | Cacnea | Medium | Grass
#0333 | Swablu | Medium | Normal | Flying
#0339 | Barboach | Medium | Water | Ground
#0353 | Shuppet | Medium | Ghost
#0360 | Wynaut | Medium | Psychic
#0363 | Spheal | Medium | Ice | Water
#0364 | Sealeo | Medium | Ice | Water
#0412 | Burmy (Plant) | Medium | Bug
#0412 | Burmy (Sandy) | Medium | Bug
#0412 | Burmy (Trash) | Medium | Bug
#0418 | Buizel | Medium | Water
#0431 | Glameow | Medium | Normal
#0434 | Stunky | Medium | Poison | Dark
#0449 | Hippopotas | Medium | Ground
#0451 | Skorupi | Medium | Poison | Bug
#0453 | Croagunk | Medium | Poison | Fighting
#0456 | Finneon | Medium | Water
#0458 | Mantyke | Medium | Water | Flying
#0459 | Snover | Medium | Grass | Ice
#0524 | Roggenrola | Medium | Rock
#0529 | Drilbur | Medium | Ground
#0532 | Timburr | Medium | Fighting
#0543 | Venipede | Medium | Bug | Poison
#0544 | Whirlipede | Medium | Bug | Poison
#0551 | Sandile | Medium | Ground | Dark
#0552 | Krokorok | Medium | Ground | Dark
#0557 | Dwebble | Medium | Bug | Rock
#0559 | Scraggy | Medium | Dark | Fighting
#0568 | Trubbish | Medium | Poison
#0574 | Gothita | Medium | Psychic
#0575 | Gothorita | Medium | Psychic
#0580 | Ducklett | Medium | Water | Flying
#0595 | Joltik | Medium | Bug | Electric
#0597 | Ferroseed | Medium | Grass | Steel
#0602 | Tynamo | Medium | Electric
#0607 | Litwick | Medium | Ghost | Fire
#0659 | Bunnelby | Medium | Normal
#0667 | Litleo | Medium | Fire | Normal
#0669 | Flabébé (Blue) | Medium | Fairy
#0669 | Flabébé (Orange) | Medium | Fairy
#0669 | Flabébé (Red) | Medium | Fairy
#0669 | Flabébé (White) | Medium | Fairy
#0669 | Flabébé (Yellow) | Medium | Fairy
#0677 | Espurr | Medium | Psychic
#0686 | Inkay | Medium | Dark | Psychic
#0688 | Binacle | Medium | Rock | Water
#0736 | Grubbin | Medium | Bug
#0742 | Cutiefly | Medium | Bug | Fairy
#0744 | Rockruff | Medium | Rock
#0755 | Morelull | Medium | Grass | Fairy
#0757 | Salandit | Medium | Poison | Fire
#0761 | Bounsweet | Medium | Grass
#0762 | Steenee | Medium | Grass
#0767 | Wimpod | Medium | Bug | Water
#0819 | Skwovet | Medium | Normal
#0827 | Nickit | Medium | Dark
#0829 | Gossifleur | Medium | Grass
#0831 | Wooloo | Medium | Normal
#0833 | Chewtle | Medium | Water
#0835 | Yamper | Medium | Electric
#0843 | Silicobra | Medium | Ground
#0846 | Arrokuda | Medium | Water
#0852 | Clobbopus | Medium | Fighting
#0915 | Lechonk | Medium | Normal
#0921 | Pawmi | Medium | Electric
#0924 | Tandemaus | Medium | Normal
#0926 | Fidough | Medium | Fairy
#0942 | Maschiff | Medium | Dark

#0023 | Ekans | Hard | Poison
#0027 | Sandshrew | Hard | Ground
#0046 | Paras | Hard | Bug | Grass
#0048 | Venonat | Hard | Bug | Poison
#0056 | Mankey | Hard | Fighting
#0057 | Primeape | Hard | Fighting
#0069 | Bellsprout | Hard | Grass | Poison
#0079 | Slowpoke | Hard | Water | Psychic
#0081 | Magnemite | Hard | Electric | Steel
#0096 | Drowzee | Hard | Psychic
#0108 | Lickitung | Hard | Normal
#0114 | Tangela | Hard | Grass
#0170 | Chinchou | Hard | Water | Electric
#0177 | Natu | Hard | Psychic | Flying
#0193 | Yanma | Hard | Bug | Flying
#0207 | Gligar | Hard | Ground | Flying
#0220 | Swinub | Hard | Ice | Ground
#0221 | Piloswine | Hard | Ice | Ground
#0228 | Houndour | Hard | Dark | Fire
#0238 | Smoochum | Hard | Ice | Psychic
#0290 | Nincada | Hard | Bug | Ground
#0320 | Wailmer | Hard | Water
#0341 | Corphish | Hard | Water
#0355 | Duskull | Hard | Ghost
#0361 | Snorunt | Hard | Ice
#0420 | Cherubi | Hard | Grass
#0436 | Bronzor | Hard | Steel | Psychic
#0443 | Gible | Hard | Dragon | Ground
#0444 | Gabite | Hard | Dragon | Ground
#0554 | Darumaka | Hard | Fire
#0562 | Yamask | Hard | Ghost
#0585 | Deerling (Spring) | Hard | Normal | Grass
#0585 | Deerling (Summer) | Hard | Normal | Grass
#0585 | Deerling (Autumn) | Hard | Normal | Grass
#0585 | Deerling (Winter) | Hard | Normal | Grass
#0592 | Frillish | Hard | Water | Ghost
#0599 | Klink | Hard | Steel
#0600 | Klang | Hard | Steel
#0605 | Elgyem | Hard | Psychic
#0610 | Axew | Hard | Dragon
#0611 | Fraxure | Hard | Dragon
#0613 | Cubchoo | Hard | Ice
#0619 | Mienfoo | Hard | Fighting
#0624 | Pawniard | Hard | Dark | Steel
#0627 | Rufflet | Hard | Normal | Flying
#0629 | Vullaby | Hard | Dark | Flying
#0672 | Skiddo | Hard | Grass
#0674 | Pancham | Hard | Fighting
#0679 | Honedge | Hard | Steel | Ghost
#0690 | Skrelp | Hard | Poison | Water
#0692 | Clauncher | Hard | Water
#0704 | Goomy | Hard | Dragon
#0705 | Sliggoo | Hard | Dragon
#0712 | Bergmite | Hard | Ice
#0747 | Mareanie | Hard | Poison | Water
#0749 | Mudbray | Hard | Ground
#0751 | Dewpider | Hard | Water | Bug
#0753 | Fomantis | Hard | Grass
#0759 | Stufful | Hard | Normal | Fighting
#0769 | Sandygast | Hard | Ghost | Ground
#0837 | Rolycoly | Hard | Rock
#0838 | Carkol | Hard | Rock | Fire
#0850 | Sizzlipede | Hard | Fire | Bug
#0856 | Hatenna | Hard | Psychic
#0857 | Hattrem | Hard | Psychic
#0859 | Impidimp | Hard | Dark | Fairy
#0860 | Morgrem | Hard | Dark | Fairy
#0878 | Cufant | Hard | Steel
#0971 | Greavard | Hard | Ghost

#0052 | Meowth | Rare | Normal
#0063 | Abra | Rare | Psychic
#0086 | Seel | Rare | Water
#0104 | Cubone | Rare | Ground
#0116 | Horsea | Rare | Water
#0236 | Tyrogue | Rare | Fighting
#0239 | Elekid | Rare | Electric
#0240 | Magby | Rare | Fire
#0246 | Larvitar | Rare | Rock | Ground
#0247 | Pupitar | Rare | Rock | Ground
#0280 | Ralts | Rare | Psychic | Fairy
#0281 | Kirlia | Rare | Psychic | Fairy
#0343 | Baltoy | Rare | Ground | Psychic
#0371 | Bagon | Rare | Dragon
#0372 | Shelgon | Rare | Dragon
#0374 | Beldum | Rare | Steel | Psychic
#0375 | Metang | Rare | Steel | Psychic
#0422 | Shellos (North) | Rare | Water
#0422 | Shellos (South) | Rare | Water
#0438 | Bonsly | Rare | Rock
#0439 | Mime Jr. | Rare | Psychic | Fairy
#0440 | Happiny | Rare | Normal
#0570 | Zorua | Rare | Dark
#0622 | Golett | Rare | Ground | Ghost
#0633 | Deino | Rare | Dark | Dragon
#0634 | Zweilous | Rare | Dark | Dragon
#0636 | Larvesta | Rare | Bug | Fire
#0714 | Noibat | Rare | Flying | Dragon
#0782 | Jangmo-o | Rare | Dragon
#0783 | Hakamo-o | Rare | Dragon | Fighting
#0848 | Toxel | Rare | Electric | Poison
#0885 | Dreepy | Rare | Dragon | Ghost
#0886 | Drakloak | Rare | Dragon | Ghost
#0996 | Frigibax | Rare | Dragon | Ice
#0997 | Arctibax | Rare | Dragon | Ice

#0001 | Bulbasaur | Starter | Grass | Poison
#0002 | Ivysaur | Starter | Grass | Poison
#0004 | Charmander | Starter | Fire
#0005 | Charmeleon | Starter | Fire
#0007 | Squirtle | Starter | Water
#0008 | Wartortle | Starter | Water
#0152 | Chikorita | Starter | Grass
#0153 | Bayleef | Starter | Grass
#0155 | Cyndaquil | Starter | Fire
#0156 | Quilava | Starter | Fire
#0158 | Totodile | Starter | Water
#0159 | Croconaw | Starter | Water
#0252 | Treecko | Starter | Grass
#0253 | Grovyle | Starter | Grass
#0255 | Torchic | Starter | Fire
#0256 | Combusken | Starter | Fire | Fighting
#0258 | Mudkip | Starter | Water
#0259 | Marshtomp | Starter | Water | Ground
#0387 | Turtwig | Starter | Grass
#0388 | Grotle | Starter | Grass
#0390 | Chimchar | Starter | Fire
#0391 | Monferno | Starter | Fire | Fighting
#0393 | Piplup | Starter | Water
#0394 | Prinplup | Starter | Water
#0495 | Snivy | Starter | Grass
#0496 | Servine | Starter | Grass
#0498 | Tepig | Starter | Fire
#0499 | Pignite | Starter | Fire | Fighting
#0501 | Oshawott | Starter | Water
#0502 | Dewott | Starter | Water
#0650 | Chespin | Starter | Grass
#0651 | Quilladin | Starter | Grass
#0653 | Fennekin | Starter | Fire
#0654 | Braixen | Starter | Fire
#0656 | Froakie | Starter | Water
#0657 | Frogadier | Starter | Water
#0722 | Rowlet | Starter | Grass | Flying
#0723 | Dartrix | Starter | Grass | Flying
#0725 | Litten | Starter | Fire
#0726 | Torracat | Starter | Fire
#0728 | Popplio | Starter | Water
#0729 | Brionne | Starter | Water
#0810 | Grookey | Starter | Grass
#0811 | Thwackey | Starter | Grass
#0813 | Scorbunny | Starter | Fire
#0814 | Raboot | Starter | Fire
#0816 | Sobble | Starter | Water
#0817 | Drizzile | Starter | Water
#0906 | Sprigatito | Starter | Grass
#0907 | Floragato | Starter | Grass
#0909 | Fuecoco | Starter | Fire
#0910 | Crocalor | Starter | Fire
#0912 | Quaxly | Starter | Water
#0913 | Quaxwell | Starter | Water

[Read more]
Posted: Wed, 22/01/2025 16:50 (1 Month ago)
Do you mean stonks? If yes, you can check my Pokemon Stonks List. If you'd like to know more about stonks in general, you can check this forum thread by ImmaculateSass

If stonks can't help you becase the pokemon has no data (due to being new or not being sold much) you can probably ask in the Price Check forum

[Read more]
Posted: Wed, 22/01/2025 09:10 (1 Month ago)
Currently, Sinistea's and Sinitharos's gender ratio is 50% M/50% F, instead of genderless

[Read more]
Posted: Tue, 21/01/2025 15:45 (1 Month ago)

[Read more]
Posted: Tue, 21/01/2025 14:34 (1 Month ago)
You can evolve a pokemon from another user, as long as it's from the Lab :>

How many pokemon do you need, what method (Level up/items), and what rarity? I can send you some for free :>

[Read more]
Posted: Tue, 21/01/2025 14:30 (1 Month ago)

Mega & Giga

#0003 | Giga Venusaur | Starter | Normal Shiny
#0003 | Mega Venusaur | Starter | Mega-able Mega
#0006 | Giga Charizard | Starter | Normal Shiny
#0006 | Mega Charizard X | Starter | Mega-able Mega
#0006 | Mega Charizard Y | Starter | Mega-able Mega
#0009 | Giga Blastoise | Starter | Normal Shiny
#0009 | Mega Blastoise | Starter | Mega-able Mega
#0012 | Giga Butterfree | Easy | Normal Shiny
#0015 | Mega Beedrill | Easy | Mega-able Mega
#0018 | Mega Pidgeot | Easy | Mega-able Mega
#0025 | Giga Pikachu | Easy | Normal Shiny
#0052 | Giga Meowth | Rare | Normal Shiny
#0059 | Mega Arcanine | Rare | Mega-able Mega
#0065 | Mega Alakazam | Rare | Mega-able Mega
#0065 | Mega Autumn Alakazam | Event | Mega-able Mega
#0068 | Giga Machamp | Medium | Normal Shiny
#0078 | Mega Rapidash | Easy | Mega-able Mega
#0078 | Mega Rapidash (Galarian) | Galarian | Mega-able Mega
#0078 | Mega Cursed Rapidash | Event | Mega-able Mega
#0080 | Mega Slowbro | Hard | Mega-able Mega
#0080 | Mega Slowbro (Galarian) | Galarian | Mega-able Mega
#0080 | Mega Yorebro | Event | Mega-able Mega
#0094 | Giga Gengar | Easy | Normal Shiny
#0094 | Mega Gengar | Easy | Mega-able Mega
#0099 | Giga Kingler | Medium | Normal Shiny
#0115 | Mega Kangaskhan | Rare | Mega-able Mega
#0122 | Mega Mr. Mime | Rare | Mega-able Mega
#0127 | Mega Pinsir | Hard | Mega-able Mega
#0130 | Mega Gyarados | Easy | Mega-able Mega
#0131 | Giga Lapras | Rare | Normal Shiny
#0133 | Giga Eevee | Rare | Normal Shiny
#0142 | Mega Aerodactyl | Special | Mega-able Mega
#0143 | Giga Snorlax | Special | Normal Shiny
#0150 | Mega Mewtwo X | Legend | Mega-able Mega
#0150 | Mega Mewtwo Y | Legend | Mega-able Mega
#0154 | Mega Meganium | Starter | Mega-able Mega
#0157 | Mega Typhlosion | Starter | Mega-able Mega
#0169 | Mega Crobat | Easy | Mega-able Mega
#0181 | Mega Ampharos | Medium | Mega-able Mega
#0181 | Mega Autumn Ampharos | Event | Mega-able Mega
#0181 | Mega Spring Ampharos | Event | Mega-able Mega
#0181 | Mega Summer Ampharos | Event | Mega-able Mega
#0181 | Mega Winter Ampharos | Event | Mega-able Mega
#0206 | Mega Dunsparce | Medium | Mega-able Mega
#0208 | Mega Steelix | Hard | Mega-able Mega
#0208 | Mega Obsidialix | Event | Mega-able Mega
#0212 | Mega Scizor | Medium | Mega-able Mega
#0214 | Mega Heracross | Hard | Mega-able Mega
#0227 | Mega Skarmory | Hard | Mega-able Mega
#0227 | Mega Skarigami | Event | Mega-able Mega
#0229 | Mega Houndoom | Hard | Mega-able Mega
#0248 | Mega Tyranitar | Rare | Mega-able Mega
#0248 | Mega Mecha Tyranitar | Event | Mega-able Mega
#0254 | Mega Sceptile | Starter | Mega-able Mega
#0257 | Mega Blaziken | Starter | Mega-able Mega
#0257 | Mega Robin Blaze | Event | Mega-able Mega
#0260 | Mega Swampert | Starter | Mega-able Mega
#0282 | Mega Gardevoir | Rare | Mega-able Mega
#0282 | Mega Festival Gardevoir | Event | Mega-able Mega
#0302 | Mega Sableye | Hard | Mega-able Mega
#0303 | Mega Mawile | Hard | Mega-able Mega
#0306 | Mega Aggron | Medium | Mega-able Mega
#0306 | Mega Crystal Aggron | Event | Mega-able Mega
#0308 | Mega Medicham | Medium | Mega-able Mega
#0310 | Mega Manectric | Medium | Mega-able Mega
#0319 | Mega Sharpedo | Medium | Mega-able Mega
#0323 | Mega Camerupt | Medium | Mega-able Mega
#0323 | Mega Winter Camerupt | Event | Mega-able Mega
#0330 | Mega Flygon | Medium | Mega-able Mega
#0334 | Mega Altaria | Medium | Mega-able Mega
#0334 | Mega Candaria | Event | Mega-able Mega
#0344 | Mega Claydol | Rare | Mega-able Mega
#0350 | Mega Milotic | Rare | Mega-able Mega
#0354 | Mega Banette | Medium | Mega-able Mega
#0354 | Mega Banettenstein | Event | Mega-able Mega
#0359 | Mega Absol | Hard | Mega-able Mega
#0362 | Mega Glalie | Hard | Mega-able Mega
#0373 | Mega Salamence | Rare | Mega-able Mega
#0373 | Mega Sala da Menci | Event | Mega-able Mega
#0373 | Mega Lord Salamence | Event | Mega-able Mega
#0376 | Mega Metagross | Rare | Mega-able Mega
#0380 | Mega Latias | Legend | Normal Shiny
#0381 | Mega Latios | Legend | Normal Shiny
#0382 | Primal Kyogre | Legend | Normal Shiny
#0383 | Primal Groudon | Legend | Normal Shiny
#0384 | Mega Rayquaza | Legend | Normal Shiny
#0405 | Mega Luxray | Easy | Mega-able Mega
#0428 | Mega Lopunny | Medium | Mega-able Mega
#0428 | Mega Easter Lopunny | Event | Mega-able Mega
#0445 | Mega Garchomp | Hard | Mega-able Mega
#0448 | Mega Lucario | Medium | Mega-able Mega
#0448 | Mega Lucario-sensei | Event | Mega-able Mega
#0460 | Mega Abomasnow | Medium | Mega-able Mega
#0466 | Mega Electivire | Rare | Mega-able Mega
#0475 | Mega Gallade | Rare | Mega-able Mega
#0478 | Mega Froslass | Hard | Mega-able Mega
#0487 | Mega Giratina | Legend | Normal Shiny
#0531 | Mega Audino | Rare | Mega-able Mega
#0569 | Giga Garbodor | Medium | Normal Shiny
#0571 | Mega Zoroark | Rare | Mega-able Mega
#0576 | Mega Gothitelle | Medium | Mega-able Mega
#0628 | Mega Braviary | Hard | Mega-able Mega
#0719 | Mega Diancie | Special | Mega-able Mega
#0719 | Mega Diancie (Emera) | Event | Mega-able Mega
#0809 | Giga Melmetal | Special | Normal Shiny
#0812 | Giga Rillaboom | Starter | Normal Shiny
#0815 | Giga Cinderace | Starter | Normal Shiny
#0818 | Giga Inteleon | Starter | Normal Shiny
#0823 | Giga Corviknight | Easy | Normal Shiny
#0826 | Giga Orbeetle | Easy | Normal Shiny
#0834 | Giga Drednaw | Medium | Normal Shiny
#0839 | Giga Coalossal | Hard | Normal Shiny
#0841 | Giga Flapple | Special | Normal Shiny
#0842 | Giga Appletun | Special | Normal Shiny
#0844 | Giga Sandaconda | Medium | Normal Shiny
#0849 | Giga Toxtricity | Rare | Normal Shiny
#0851 | Giga Centiskorch | Hard | Normal Shiny
#0858 | Giga Hatterene | Hard | Normal Shiny
#0861 | Giga Grimmsnarl | Hard | Normal Shiny
#0869 | Giga Alcremie | Rare | Normal Shiny
#0873 | Mega Frosmoth | Easy | Mega-able Mega
#0879 | Giga Copperajah | Hard | Normal Shiny
#0884 | Giga Duraludon | Rare | Normal Shiny
#0890 | Eternamax Eternatus | Special | Normal Shiny
#0892 | Giga Urshifu (R. Strike) | Event | Normal Shiny
#0892 | Giga Urshifu (S. Strike) | Event | Normal Shiny

Shiny Mega

#0003 | Mega Venusaur | Starter | Mega-able Mega
#0006 | Mega Charizard X | Starter | Mega-able Mega
#0006 | Mega Charizard Y | Starter | Mega-able Mega
#0009 | Mega Blastoise | Starter | Mega-able Mega
#0015 | Mega Beedrill | Easy | Mega-able Mega
#0018 | Mega Pidgeot | Easy | Mega-able Mega
#0059 | Mega Arcanine | Rare | Mega-able Mega
#0065 | Mega Alakazam | Rare | Mega-able Mega
#0065 | Mega Autumn Alakazam | Event | Mega-able Mega
#0078 | Mega Rapidash | Easy | Mega-able Mega
#0078 | Mega Rapidash (Galarian) | Galarian | Mega-able Mega
#0078 | Mega Cursed Rapidash | Event | Mega-able Mega
#0080 | Mega Slowbro | Hard | Mega-able Mega
#0080 | Mega Slowbro (Galarian) | Galarian | Mega-able Mega
#0080 | Mega Yorebro | Event | Mega-able Mega
#0094 | Mega Gengar | Easy | Mega-able Mega
#0115 | Mega Kangaskhan | Rare | Mega-able Mega
#0122 | Mega Mr. Mime | Rare | Mega-able Mega
#0127 | Mega Pinsir | Hard | Mega-able Mega
#0130 | Mega Gyarados | Easy | Mega-able Mega
#0142 | Mega Aerodactyl | Special | Mega-able Mega
#0150 | Mega Mewtwo X | Legend | Mega-able Mega
#0150 | Mega Mewtwo Y | Legend | Mega-able Mega
#0154 | Mega Meganium | Starter | Mega-able Mega
#0157 | Mega Typhlosion | Starter | Mega-able Mega
#0169 | Mega Crobat | Easy | Mega-able Mega
#0181 | Mega Ampharos | Medium | Mega-able Mega
#0181 | Mega Autumn Ampharos | Event | Mega-able Mega
#0181 | Mega Spring Ampharos | Event | Mega-able Mega
#0181 | Mega Summer Ampharos | Event | Mega-able Mega
#0181 | Mega Winter Ampharos | Event | Mega-able Mega
#0206 | Mega Dunsparce | Medium | Mega-able Mega
#0208 | Mega Steelix | Hard | Mega-able Mega
#0208 | Mega Obsidialix | Event | Mega-able Mega
#0212 | Mega Scizor | Medium | Mega-able Mega
#0214 | Mega Heracross | Hard | Mega-able Mega
#0227 | Mega Skarmory | Hard | Mega-able Mega
#0227 | Mega Skarigami | Event | Mega-able Mega
#0229 | Mega Houndoom | Hard | Mega-able Mega
#0248 | Mega Tyranitar | Rare | Mega-able Mega
#0248 | Mega Mecha Tyranitar | Event | Mega-able Mega
#0254 | Mega Sceptile | Starter | Mega-able Mega
#0257 | Mega Blaziken | Starter | Mega-able Mega
#0257 | Mega Robin Blaze | Event | Mega-able Mega
#0260 | Mega Swampert | Starter | Mega-able Mega
#0282 | Mega Gardevoir | Rare | Mega-able Mega
#0282 | Mega Festival Gardevoir | Event | Mega-able Mega
#0302 | Mega Sableye | Hard | Mega-able Mega
#0303 | Mega Mawile | Hard | Mega-able Mega
#0306 | Mega Aggron | Medium | Mega-able Mega
#0306 | Mega Crystal Aggron | Event | Mega-able Mega
#0308 | Mega Medicham | Medium | Mega-able Mega
#0310 | Mega Manectric | Medium | Mega-able Mega
#0319 | Mega Sharpedo | Medium | Mega-able Mega
#0323 | Mega Camerupt | Medium | Mega-able Mega
#0323 | Mega Winter Camerupt | Event | Mega-able Mega
#0330 | Mega Flygon | Medium | Mega-able Mega
#0334 | Mega Altaria | Medium | Mega-able Mega
#0334 | Mega Candaria | Event | Mega-able Mega
#0344 | Mega Claydol | Rare | Mega-able Mega
#0350 | Mega Milotic | Rare | Mega-able Mega
#0354 | Mega Banette | Medium | Mega-able Mega
#0354 | Mega Banettenstein | Event | Mega-able Mega
#0359 | Mega Absol | Hard | Mega-able Mega
#0362 | Mega Glalie | Hard | Mega-able Mega
#0373 | Mega Salamence | Rare | Mega-able Mega
#0373 | Mega Sala da Menci | Event | Mega-able Mega
#0373 | Mega Lord Salamence | Event | Mega-able Mega
#0376 | Mega Metagross | Rare | Mega-able Mega
#0405 | Mega Luxray | Easy | Mega-able Mega
#0428 | Mega Lopunny | Medium | Mega-able Mega
#0428 | Mega Easter Lopunny | Event | Mega-able Mega
#0445 | Mega Garchomp | Hard | Mega-able Mega
#0448 | Mega Lucario | Medium | Mega-able Mega
#0448 | Mega Lucario-sensei | Event | Mega-able Mega
#0460 | Mega Abomasnow | Medium | Mega-able Mega
#0466 | Mega Electivire | Rare | Mega-able Mega
#0475 | Mega Gallade | Rare | Mega-able Mega
#0478 | Mega Froslass | Hard | Mega-able Mega
#0531 | Mega Audino | Rare | Mega-able Mega
#0571 | Mega Zoroark | Rare | Mega-able Mega
#0576 | Mega Gothitelle | Medium | Mega-able Mega
#0628 | Mega Braviary | Hard | Mega-able Mega
#0719 | Mega Diancie | Special | Mega-able Mega
#0719 | Mega Diancie (Emera) | Event | Mega-able Mega
#0873 | Mega Frosmoth | Easy | Mega-able Mega

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Posted: Thu, 16/01/2025 15:24 (1 Month ago)
Due to some google sheet shenanigans while making a pokemon stonks list, I have discovered that the stonks link format for mega pokemon are p=mega-able mega [pokemon], instead of p=mega [pokemon]

p=Mega Venusaur (incorrect; shows no data)
p=Mega-able Mega Venusaur (correct; has data)

This is confusing, especially when I've seen past posts from other users saying that p=mega [pokemon] is the correct format for mega pokemon, only to get "There is no data available for this item!", which is wrong since there is stonks prices for mega pokemon, and it's visible in the auction house. Also, as MeepTheMareep02 pointed out, p=mega [pokemon] searches for a mega pokemon that isn't mega able... which doesn't exist, so that's why it doesn't have data

Another thing to note is that for Charizard and Mewtwo, there are separate stonks for their X and Y mega evolutions, but for mega able only, it's combined. There's also an issue with their stonk links. If you look at Mega Charizard X and Mega Mewtwo X, you will see they have stonk data from the past years. However, Mega Charizard Y and Mega Mewtwo Y do not. I dont have these pokemon and therefore couldnt check their stonk prices in auction house myself, so I asked Nika~, and she said that the stonk prices for Mega Charizard Y is 133,361 - 380,000, while Mega Mewtwo Y is 142,500 - 237,499. Which means there's stonks data for both these pokemon, but somehow their stonk link does not show it.

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