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Searching for: Posts from Emil_Steilsson.
Posted: Tue, 01/03/2016 16:34 (8 Years ago)
accepted :)

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Posted: Tue, 01/03/2016 16:30 (8 Years ago)
aahhh, gracias. accepted.

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Posted: Tue, 01/03/2016 16:26 (8 Years ago)
obv accepted, thank you for joining ewe

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Posted: Tue, 01/03/2016 16:23 (8 Years ago)

Title: Russian holidays

Jan 1 Friday New Year's Day National holiday <- most important Russian holiday
Jan 4 Monday New Year Holiday Week National holiday
Jan 5 Tuesday New Year Holiday Week National holiday
Jan 6 Wednesday New Year Holiday Week National holiday
Jan 7 Thursday Orthodox Christmas Day National holiday, Orthodox
Jan 8 Friday New Year Holiday Week National holiday
Jan 14 Thursday Old New Year Observance
Feb 14 Sunday Valentine's Day Observance
Feb 23 Tuesday Defender of the Fatherland Day National holiday
Feb 27 Saturday Special Operations Forces Day De facto holiday
Mar 7 Monday New Year Holiday Substitution National holiday
Mar 8 Tuesday International Women's Day National holiday
Mar 20 Sunday March equinox Season
May 1 Sunday Orthodox Easter Day Observance, Orthodox
May 1 Sunday Spring and Labor Day National holiday
May 2 Monday Spring and Labor Day observed National holiday
May 3 Tuesday New Year Holiday Substitution National holiday
May 9 Monday Victory Day National holiday
Jun 12 Sunday Russia Day National holiday
Jun 13 Monday Russia Day observed National holiday
Jun 20 Monday June Solstice Season
Sep 22 Thursday September equinox Season
Nov 4 Friday Unity Day National holiday
Dec 21 Wednesday December Solstice Season

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Posted: Tue, 01/03/2016 16:17 (8 Years ago)

Title: some basic Russian phrases

Welcome Добро пожаловать! (Dobro pažálovat'!)
Hello Здравствуйте! (Zdrávstvujte!) - formal
Привет! (Privét!) - informal
Hello (on phone) Алло? (Alló?)

How are you? Как дела? (Kak delá?) - informal
Как ваши дела? (Kak váši delá?) - formal
Как поживаешь? (Kak požyiváješ?) - informal
Как поживаете? (Kak požyvájete?) - formal

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Posted: Tue, 01/03/2016 15:00 (8 Years ago)
Please make a sprite for me!
Username: Rice
Sprite Type: Pastel
Should eye color be changed?: sure :)
Payment: 5k? I can add if needed.
Did you read the rules?: Ivanbraginskyisreallycute (isthataword)

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Posted: Tue, 01/03/2016 14:29 (8 Years ago)
yay, an English tutor :D accepted~

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Posted: Tue, 01/03/2016 14:11 (8 Years ago)

Heyo! This is a study group for nerds like you! We will study different languages, math, science, grammar, etc.

current language study
- Russian
- English


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Language, math, science, grammar or history:
language: (only if you chose language)
time in history: (only if you chose history)

current language tutors

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Rice - russian, romanian, spanish, german
ImmatureGuy - English, Hindi
Deddenne - Romanian
Heir_Of_Doom - british english, grammar

current math tutor

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none yet, sorry :)

current history tutor

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Rice - ww1 - ww2 , concentration camps, etc

current psychological tutor


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what I will be teaching: (be specific)

useful language resources

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Posted: Sun, 28/02/2016 04:16 (8 Years ago)
Hey Jack, I would like to be a PlayStation Mod!

Name : Rice ^_^
Date : 2/27/2016
Password : >//<
Other :

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Posted: Sat, 27/02/2016 04:20 (8 Years ago)

"I'm from a little city with expensive taste,
Where the cars don't run until the engine breaks. Wasn't spending pennies on a mess of things, But invested in mess with this recipe. Couldn't quite see what the future held, and as days went by it would tell itself. Let it struggle just a little bit more, Let it struggle just a little bit more."

Hello... My name is Dmitri Braginsky. I represent the country of Ukraine. I am one of the countries relating to Russia. That'd be Belarus, Russia, and me. My close friends are Latvia and Russia, along some other minorities. I try to be polite and emotionless, sorry if I seem odd at times...

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