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I'm Feeling Lucky

Searching for: Posts from dragon1993.
Posted: Thu, 17/10/2013 01:46 (11 Years ago)
I have got some berries from the 1 I was able to open

I still have


2 dark blue
3 Pink
1 purple


1 light blue
1 brown
3 gold

so im just holding on to them till I get there matching partners.

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Posted: Mon, 07/10/2013 16:58 (11 Years ago)
dose anyone know what Lv Metacream evolves ate.

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Posted: Tue, 01/10/2013 15:13 (11 Years ago)
Return trade is set up.

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Posted: Tue, 01/10/2013 15:09 (11 Years ago)
Thank you for evolving him could you also evolve my Slowpoke I have set the trade up with a Kings Rock.

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Posted: Tue, 01/10/2013 12:52 (11 Years ago)
Liirah the return trade for my machismo is set up

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Posted: Tue, 01/10/2013 00:56 (11 Years ago)
Liirah could you please evolve my Machoke then send him back I have set him up in the trade center.

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Posted: Wed, 25/09/2013 13:45 (11 Years ago)
thanks I have accepted good luck and will come back layter when I have more pokemon to evolve.

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Posted: Wed, 25/09/2013 11:43 (11 Years ago)
I have sent back the Ampharos back with the Dubious Disc attached.

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Posted: Wed, 25/09/2013 11:27 (11 Years ago)
Liirah I have set up my Porygon with an upgrade could you please evolve it for me then I will send over a Dubious Disc to fully evolve it.

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Posted: Thu, 19/09/2013 22:59 (11 Years ago)

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Posted: Wed, 11/09/2013 18:47 (11 Years ago)
Thanks return trade is set up now thanks.

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Posted: Wed, 11/09/2013 18:24 (11 Years ago)
Liirah I have set up my Karrablast in a trade could you please evolve it.

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Posted: Tue, 10/09/2013 01:00 (11 Years ago)
is there any whey to identify witch evolution 265: Wurmple will have or is it just random. (I have to get 1 more to evo into 268: Cascoon for my living Dex)

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Posted: Sat, 07/09/2013 15:19 (11 Years ago)
thanks trade accepted and I have set up the return trade for when my pokemon evolves thanks.

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Posted: Sat, 07/09/2013 14:09 (11 Years ago)
Hi Liirah I have set up my Syther (with metal coat please evolve for me)

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Posted: Fri, 06/09/2013 17:25 (11 Years ago)
Thanks I hope to have some more pokemon that need trade evolved soon (my Syther once I get a Metal Coat) and any others.

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Posted: Fri, 06/09/2013 12:53 (11 Years ago)
trade is set up now thanks.

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Posted: Fri, 06/09/2013 11:53 (11 Years ago)
could you evolve my Shelmet please Liirah

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Posted: Mon, 02/09/2013 00:25 (11 Years ago)
Liirah could you trade Evolve my Haunter into a Gengar I have set up a trade.

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Posted: Sat, 24/08/2013 18:46 (11 Years ago)
On Pokéheroes I want to build a Living Dex so to start with I am training and evolving my Pokémon and hatching lots of eggs will update layer.

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